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Nov 10, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-090:  Final Fee Schedule Rates for Select Services Funded Through ODP’s Waivers and Guidance About Community Participation Support Impacted By the End of Appendix K

The Office of Developmental Program (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-090: Final Fee Schedule Rates for Select Services Funded Through ODP’s Waivers and Guidance About Community Participation Support Impacted By the End of Appendix K. The…

Nov 6, 2023

ODP Announcement 00-23-01: ODP Bulletin 00-23-01 Home and Community-Based Waiver Services Provided to Individuals in an Acute Care Hospital

The Office of Developmental Programs requests your assistance sharing the attached bulletin: 00-23-01: Home and Community Based Waiver Services Provided to Individuals in an Acute Care Hospital along with its […]
Nov 3, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-080: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Residential Provider Survey for Selective Contracting

To notify ODP providers rendering residential services (including residential habilitation, lifesharing, and/or supported living) that they are required to complete the attached survey no later than November 9, 2023. A […]
Nov 2, 2023

ODPANN 23-086: Individual Support Plan (ISP) Staffing Sessions for Executive Leadership of Intellectual Disability/Autism (ID/A) Waiver-Funded Residential Providers

The Office of Developmental Programs requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-086: Individual Support Plan (ISP) Staffing Sessions for Executive Leadership of Intellectual Disability/Autism (ID/A) Waiver-Funded Residential Providers. […]
Nov 1, 2023

ODPANN 23-087: Additional Guidance for the End of Appendix K Flexibilities in the Consolidated, Community Living, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) and Adult Autism Waivers

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-087: Additional Guidance for the End of Appendix K Flexibilities in the Consolidated, Community Living, Person/Family […]
Oct 31, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-085: Amendments to the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) Waivers Approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

The purpose of this communication is to inform all interested parties that the Consolidated, Community Living, P/FDS and AAW amendments were approved by CMS and become effective November 1, 2023. […]
Oct 30, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-084: Public Partnerships, LLC (PPL) Transition as New Vendor Fiscal(VF)/Employer Agent (EA) Delayed Until April 1,2024

To announce the delay of the start date for transition of VF/EA Financial Management Services (FMS) from PALCO to PPL until April 1, 2024. ODP Announcement 23-084: Public Partnerships, LLC (PPL) […]
Oct 30, 2023

2024 Everyday Lives Conference – Agenda Now Available!

The 2024 Everyday Lives Conference agenda is now available to view and download! A printable agenda document is attached. The conference agenda is also available to view and download on […]
Oct 23, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-080: Residential Provider Survey for Selective Contracting

This is a reminder to all residential providers that the attached survey must be completed and submitted no later than November 9, 2023. Additional information can be found in the […]
Oct 20, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-083 Consolidated Waiver Fee Schedule Addition of Residential Needs Group 5 (NG5) and Updated Rate Exception Process

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-083 Consolidated Waiver Fee Schedule Addition of Residential Needs Group 5 (NG5) and Updated Rate Exception […]
Oct 19, 2023

Pennsylvania Department of Health (PA DOH) Funding Opportunity Available

Community to Home (C2H) is a home visiting program, focused on rural areas of PA. C2H improves the health of Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) by […]
Oct 13, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-081: Registration Now Open: The Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) Policy Division’s Virtual Meeting & Conversation with Individuals and Families – Session 2

Please see the attached registration announcement geared towards individuals and families for an opportunity to have a conversation with ODP’s policy division. Please encourage any individual or family you may […]
Oct 13, 2023

Quarterly Connections for Support Coordinators

Each quarterly newsletter will share ideas to help SCs fill their buckets to better help them in supporting individuals and families. The Quarterly Connection is brought to you by the […]
Oct 12, 2023

ODP Health Alert – Respiratory Viruses Vaccine Update

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached ODP Health Alert – Respiratory Viruses Vaccine Update. ODP is sharing this Health Alert with stakeholders for awareness. […]
Oct 12, 2023

Quarterly Connection for Supports Coordinators

Each quarterly newsletter will share ideas to help SCs fill their buckets to better help them in supporting individuals and families. The Quarterly Connection is brought to you by the […]
Oct 11, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-080: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Residential Provider Survey for Selective Contracting

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-080: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Residential Provider Survey for Selective Contracting. The purpose of this […]
Oct 10, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-079: Alerting Providers to Risk of Fraud and Encouraging Use of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-079: Alerting Providers to Risk of Fraud and Encouraging Use of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). The […]
Oct 4, 2023

Disability Employment Awareness Month 

October is Disability Employment Awareness Month. During October, we celebrate all workers with disabilities. We also celebrate the services and supports that allow them to succeed. Please share Governor Shapiro’s […]
Oct 2, 2023

QM Spotlight Fall 2023 

Please assist the Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs in sharing the attached informational flyer: ODP’s Division of Quality Management’s QM Spotlight, the sixth in a series of quarterly publications that […]
Oct 2, 2023

Office of Developmental Programs’ October 2023 Events and Training Calendar

Please share the October 2023 Training and Events Calendar from the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP). Office of Developmental Programs’ October 2023 Events and Training Calendar
Sep 27, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-078 Approved Revision to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funded Initiative for Family Support Innovation to Community Participation Support (CPS) Services

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-078: Approved Revision to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funded Initiative for Family Support Innovation […]
Sep 26, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-071: Targeted Service Recovery and Expansion Supplemental Payments

To provide eligible providers with the application to receive supplemental funds as part of the ongoing systemic recovery of services for people with an intellectual disability and autism. ODP Announcement […]
Sep 18, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-077: Now Available Approved PA Statewide Transition Plan

The Office of Developmental Programs requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-077: Now Available PA Statewide Transition Plan. The purpose of this announcement is to notify all interested […]
Sep 12, 2023

ODP Announcement  23-075 Correction: Medication Administration Paper Course Discontinuation Reminder and Train-the-Trainer Fall 2023 Schedule

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-075 Medication Administration Paper Course Discontinuation Reminder and Train-the-Trainer Fall 2023 Schedule. The purpose of this […]
Sep 8, 2023

MyODP Supporters Toolbox: A Life Worth Living

Having meaning or purpose in life is connected to overall health, happiness, and life satisfaction – it can make ANY life worth living. We will talk about ways to support […]
Sep 7, 2023

PA Family Network Seeking to Hire Family Members with Experience Supporting the Transition to Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE)

Please help us find family members who have experience supporting a loved one transition from a sheltered workshop to CIE! As part of the federal grant awarded to PA’s Office […]
Sep 5, 2023

Free Training Opportunity for Professionals Serving Adult Neurodiverse individuals

REGISTER FOR THIS NO-COST, TRAINING HOUR-ELIGIBLE SERIES FOR PROFESSIONALS SERVING ADULT NEURODIVERSE INDIVIDUALS The eight-session Project Reassure ECHO series will launch on September 15, 2023 from 7:45-9 a.m. Free Training […]
Aug 24, 2023

My Tech For All Technology Training

Technology Training Events Available My Tech For All Technology Training
Aug 23, 2023

ODP Training Calendar September 2023

The Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance distributing the ODP External Training Calendar for September, 2023. ODP Training Calendar September 2023
Aug 22, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-073: Agency with Choice (AWC)Financial Management Service (FMS) Organization Listing

To provide a list of current AWC FMS organizations that are available to support participants and surrogates who have chosen to self- direct some or all of their Participant Directed Services (PDS) […]
Aug 20, 2023

American Sign Language (ASL) – English Interpreter Service Listening Session

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is interested in gathering feedback and information on an ASL-English Interpreter service. American Sign Language (ASL) – English Interpreter Service Listening Session
Aug 8, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-072: Registration Now Open for September Certified Investigator (CI) Forum & How to Access CI Forum Question & Answer (Q&A) Documents

The Office of Developmental Programs requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-072: Registration Now Open for September Certified Investigator (CI) Forum & How to Access CI Forum Question […]
Aug 7, 2023

Quality Management (QM) Spotlight Special Edition 2023

Please assist the Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) in sharing the attached informational flyer: ODP’s Division of Quality Management’s QM Spotlight, the sixth in a series of quarterly publications […]
Aug 4, 2023

ODPANN 23-071: Targeted Service Recovery and Expansion Supplemental Payments

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the communication; ODPANN 23-071: Targeted Service Recovery and Expansion Supplemental Payments; and the accompanying attachment. This announcement provides eligible providers […]
Aug 4, 2023

2023 – 2024 Charting the LifeCourse Applying Principles and Using Tools to Support a Good Life

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-070: Now Available: Amendments to the Office of Developmental Programs; (ODP) Waivers Submitted to the Centers […]
Aug 4, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-070: Now Available: Amendments to the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) Waivers Submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

The purpose of this communication is to inform all interested parties of the submission of the Consolidated, Community Living, P/FDS and AAW amendments to CMS. The waiver amendments are available […]
Aug 3, 2023

20-004: Clarifications and Training Requirements for AAW Employment Services

To provide updated clarifications regarding the Career Planning (Vocational Assessment and Job Finding), Supported Employment (Intensive Job Coaching and Extended Employment Supports) services, Small Group Employment (formerly known as Transitional […]
Jul 27, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-069: Now Available: The Clarifications and Guidance for the Community Participation Support (CPS) Service in the Intellectual Disability/Autism (ID/A) Waivers Webinar Recording

This communication’s purpose is to inform all interested parties that the recording of the Clarifications and Guidance for the Community Participation Support (CPS) Service in the Intellectual Disability/Autism (ID/A) Waivers […]
Jul 25, 2023

Resource Guide for Supporting Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing

The purpose of this guide is to offer resources in one central location for those who support or care for someone who is Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or DeafBlind and […]
Jul 25, 2023

Self-Advocates United as 1  (SAU1) August Event Flyers

Please assist the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) in sharing the attached flyers for August events held by Self-Advocates United as 1 (SAU1). attachment 1: Self-Advocates United as 1  (SAU1) […]
Jul 23, 2023

Student Class Creation Walkthrough for Med Admin Trainers

This training is required for all Med Admin Trainers as it will provide a walkthrough on how to create your own classes in the new system. Attachment 1: Student Class […]
Jul 20, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-067: Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024 Supports Broker Recertification Training

To announce that Department-approved Supports Broker recertification training is available for the first seven months of Fiscal Year 2023-24. attachment 1: ODP Announcement 23-067: Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024 Supports Broker Recertification […]
Jul 19, 2023

ODP Training Calendar August 2023

The Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance distributing the ODP External Training Calendar for August, 2023. Attachment: ODP Training Calendar August 2023
Jul 17, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-066: The Gold Book: Understanding the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Released

To announce the release of a new update of The Gold BoAttachment: ODP Announcement 23-066: The Gold Book: Understanding the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Released
Jul 15, 2023

UPDATE: Invitation to Town Hall on Pennsylvania’s 10-Year Master Plan – New Dates

The Governor, in Executive Order 2023-09, has directed the Department of Aging, the Pennsylvania Long-Term Care Council, and other agencies under his jurisdiction to develop this plan to enhance the […]
Jul 14, 2023

2023 PA Community of Practice for Supporting Families Summit

Since 2016, Regional Collaboratives for Supporting Families have been a key strategy for transformational change in PA’s Community of Practice for Supporting Families. The 2023 Summit for Regional Collaboratives is […]
Jul 14, 2023

2023 PA Community of Practice for Supporting Families Summit

Since 2016, Regional Collaboratives for Supporting Families have been a key strategy for transformational change in PA’s Community of Practice for Supporting Families. The 2023 Summit for Regional Collaboratives is […]
Jul 14, 2023

Technology Taskforce Newsletter – Technology Today: Volume 5 July 2023

This quarterly newsletter shares information, resources, events, and success stories from ODP’s Technology Taskforce. Please enjoy this volume of the newsletter and join us for future editions! The Technology Today […]
Jul 13, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-064: Residential Individual Support Plan (ISP) Training for Administrative Entity (AE) ISP Reviewers – Recorded Training Available

To announce that the recording of the live half-day virtual training session held in May 2023 regarding implementation of the Residential ISP Staffing approach for AE staff is now available […]
Jul 13, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-065: Now Available: Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Rule Assessments Licensing Results for Fiscal Year 2021-2022

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-065: Now Available: Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Rule Assessments Licensing Results for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. […]
Jul 13, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-064: Residential Individual Support Plan (ISP) Training for Administrative Entity (AE) ISP Reviewers – Recorded Training Available

To announce that the recording of the live half-day virtual training session held in May 2023 regarding implementation of the Residential ISP Staffing approach for AE staff is now available […]
Jul 12, 2023

ODP Announcements 23-062:: Medication Administration Paper Course Discontinuation Reminder and Train-the-Trainer Summer 2023 Schedule

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-062 Medication Administration Paper Course Discontinuation Reminder and Train-the-Trainer Summer 2023 Schedule. The purpose of this […]
Jul 11, 2023

Registration Now Open: Dual Diagnosis Professional Conference Series Session  August 9, 2023 10 AM – Noon

See the attached announcement for a session description, presenter biography, and how to register. attachment Registration Now Open: Dual Diagnosis Professional Conference Series Session  August 9, 2023 10 AM – […]
Jul 7, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-061:: Now Available Life Sharing Service for Individuals with a Medically Complex Condition (MCC) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The purpose of this communication is to inform all interested parties of the Office of Developmental Program’s (ODP) publication of the first version MCC Life Sharing FAQ. Attachment ODP Announcement […]
Jul 6, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-060: Webinar Opportunity: Clarifications and Guidance for the Community Participation Support (CPS) Service in the Intellectual Disability/Autism (ID/A) Waivers

To announce a webinar which will provide clarification and guidance on the CPS service and review CPS flexibilities that will be ending with Appendix K Attachment ODP Announcement 23-060: Webinar Opportunity: […]
Jul 5, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-059:Supports Intensity Scale-Adult® 2nd Edition (SIS-A® 2nd ed) & Kepro Name Change/Rebrand

This communication is intended to introduce the SIS-A® 2nd ed. and the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) plan to transition from the SIS-A 1st ed. to the SIS-A 2nd ed. […]
Jul 3, 2023

June SC Tip of the Month

Each Tip of the Month will share ideas to help SCs fill their buckets to better help them in supporting individuals and families. The Tip of the Month is brought […]
Jul 2, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-058: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Supports Coordinator (SC) Orientation

To announce the release of the new ODP Supports Coordinator Orientation on the MyODP website on July 3, 2023 Attachment ODP Announcement 23-058: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Supports Coordinator (SC) […]
Jun 29, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-057: Obsoleting Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Communication

To notify stakeholders that COVID-19 communications generated by the Office of Developmental Programs have been obsoleted, with the exceptions listed below. DOH as well as other DHS offices are in […]
Jun 29, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-056: COVID-19 Outbreak Identification and Reporting Updates

The purpose of this announcement is to: 1. Draw attention to the updated guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PA DOH) describing how to identify and report COVID-19 outbreaks […]
Jun 29, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-055: Updates to Technical Guidance for Claim and Service Documentation Attachments

To announce the release of updated attachments to Bulletin 00-22-03, Technical Guidance for Claim and Service Documentation to align with waiver changes approved in January 2023. ODP Announcement 23-055: Updates to […]
Jun 27, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-054: Qualification Process for New Intellectual Disability/Autism (ID/A) Provider Applicants Update

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-054: Qualification Process for New Intellectual Disability/Autism (ID/A) Provider Applicants Update. The announcement communicates the process […]
Jun 22, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-053: Incident Management (IM) Training Available on MyODP: Understanding, Recognizing, and Reporting Passive and Self Neglect

The purpose of this communication is to inform all interested parties that a recorded webcast regarding incident management – Understanding, Recognizing, and Reporting Passive and Self-Neglect is now available on […]
Jun 16, 2023

ODP July Training Calendar 2023

Please review the July 2023 Training Calendar for MyODP. attachment ODP July Training Calendar 2023
Jun 16, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-049: 2022 National Core Indicators (NCI) State of the Workforce Survey Deadline Extended

The purpose of this announcement is to inform all provider agencies employing DSPs that the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) has extended the deadline for completing the 2022 National Core […]
Jun 16, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-052: Registration Now Open New Series – Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) Policy Division Virtual Meeting & Conversations with Individuals & Families

Information is often delivered in a way that makes more sense to providers than to individuals and families. ODP wants to begin closing that gap by providing a series of […]
Jun 15, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-051: Quality Assessment & Improvement Process Cycle 2, Year 2 (QA&I C2Y2)

This Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) communication announces the start of Cycle 2, Year 2 (C2Y2) of the Quality Assessment & Improvement (QA&I) Process on July 1, 2023. Attachment ODP […]
Jun 15, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-049: 2022 National Core Indicators (NCI) State of the Workforce Survey Deadline Extended

The purpose of this announcement is to inform all provider agencies employing DSPs that the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) has extended the deadline for completing the 2022 National Core […]
Jun 14, 2023

Invitation to Apply for the Capacity Building Institute extended to 6/23/2023

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached reissued communication, Invitation to Apply for the Capacity Building Institute Year 7 (CBI7) Deadline Extended to June 23, […]
Jun 14, 2023

PATC 2023 Call for Personal Stories and Art Show

Please see this announcement for two opportunities for autistic individuals to participate in the upcoming 2023 Pennsylvania Autism Training Conference (#PATCIgnite2023), held virtually November 7-9, 2023. attachment PATC 2023 Call […]
Jun 12, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-048: Required Communication Specialist Provider Qualification Training

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-048: Required Communication Specialist Provider Qualification Training. The announcement provides guidance and information relating to a […]
Jun 8, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-046: Infection Control Procedures and Mitigating the Spread of Infectious Diseases

The purpose of this announcement is to: 1. Draw attention to the revised guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PA DOH) describing […]
Jun 8, 2023

PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2023– PAHAN –702-06-07-ADV – Air Quality Alert – Wildfire Smoke

Wildfires in Canada and current weather conditions are bringing wildfire smoke into our region. Health effects from wildfire smoke or PM2.5 exposure include respiratory symptoms and effects, irritation of the eyes and […]
Jun 8, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-045: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Waiver Reserved Capacity Letters

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing ODPANN 23-045: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Waiver Reserved Capacity Letters and accompanying attachments. This announcement provides guidance that clarifies […]
Jun 7, 2023

ODP Announcement  23-047: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and Temple University Harrisburg – Certified Investigator Initial Certification Course Delivery Questionnaire

Temple University Harrisburg and ODP are seeking your input on future delivery methods for the Certified Investigator Initial Certification course. attachment ODP Announcement  23-047: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and […]
Jun 7, 2023

ODP Announcement  22-068 Update: Transition to Independent Living Payments

This Office of Developmental Program (ODP) communication will provide guidance for providers and teams of individuals who may wish to choose to receive and transition to Supported Living or Lifesharing […]
Jun 7, 2023

ODP Announcement  22-068 Update: Transition to Independent Living Payments

This Office of Developmental Program (ODP) communication will provide guidance for providers and teams of individuals who may wish to choose to receive and transition to Supported Living or Lifesharing […]
Jun 7, 2023

ODP Announcement  23-047: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and Temple University Harrisburg – Certified Investigator Initial Certification Course Delivery Questionnaire

Temple University Harrisburg and ODP are seeking your input on future delivery methods for the Certified Investigator Initial Certification course. Attachment 1: ODP Announcement  23-047: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) […]
Jun 6, 2023

ODPANN 23-044: Now Open: Registration for Certified Investigator (CI) Initial Certification Course

To communicate that registration for the July – December 2023 CI Initial Certification Course classes (also known as cohorts) is now open on MyODP. Attachment ODPANN 23-044: Now Open: Registration […]
Jun 6, 2023

ODPANN 23-044: Now Open: Registration for Certified Investigator (CI) Initial Certification Course

To communicate that registration for the July – December 2023 CI Initial Certification Course classes (also known as cohorts) is now open on MyODP Attachment 1: ODPANN 23-044: Now Open: […]
Jun 4, 2023

Everyday Lives Conference 2024: Save the Date!

Location will be announced soon. More information will be posted soon on the conference website at: attachment Everyday Lives Conference 2024: Save the Date!
Jun 4, 2023

Kepro Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU) Continuing Education Webinars – June 26, 2023

The Kepro HCQU invites you to attend these two free webinars. Kepro Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU) Continuing Education Webinars – June 26, 2023
Jun 4, 2023

Self Advocates United as 1 June Events Calendar

The Office of Developmental Programs requests your assistance sharing the Self Advocates United as 1 June Events Calendar. attachment Self Advocates United as 1 June Events Calendar
Jun 4, 2023

Self Advocates United as 1 June Events Calendar

The Office of Developmental Programs requests your assistance sharing the Self Advocates United as 1 June Events Calendar. Attachment 1: Self Advocates United as 1 June Events Calendar
Jun 4, 2023

Kepro Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU) Continuing Education Webinars – June 26, 2023

The Kepro HCQU invites you to attend these two free webinars. Attachment 1: Kepro Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU) Continuing Education Webinars – June 26, 2023
Jun 2, 2023

Nuts and Bolts of Job Coaching

Please assist the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) in sharing details on this free online course from PaTTAN; the Nuts and Bolts of Job Coaching. This course is geared towards […]
Jun 2, 2023

Everyday Lives Conference 2024: Save the Date!

Location will be announced soon. More information will be posted soon on the conference website at: Attachment 1: Everyday Lives Conference 2024: Save the Date!
Jun 2, 2023

Nuts and Bolts of Job Coaching

Please assist the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) in sharing details on this free online course from PaTTAN; the Nuts and Bolts of Job Coaching. This course is geared towards […]
May 26, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-043: Open for Public Comment: Proposed Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) Waiver Amendments and Rates for Select Services in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024

The purpose of this communication is to announce that the proposed amendments to the Consolidated, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS), Community Living, and Adult Autism Waivers and proposed rates for select […]
May 26, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-043: Open for Public Comment: Proposed Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) Waiver Amendments and Rates for Select Services in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024

The purpose of this communication is to announce that the proposed amendments to the Consolidated, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS), Community Living, and Adult Autism Waivers and proposed rates for select […]
May 24, 2023

ODP Announcement 20-114 UPDATE: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Modifications to Medication Administration Course Requirements as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Please assist the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) in distributing the attached communication: ODPANN 20-114 Reissue COVID-19 FAQ About Modifications to MedAdmin Requirements. The purpose of this communication is to […]
May 24, 2023

ODP Announcement 20-114 UPDATE: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Modifications to Medication Administration Course Requirements as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Please assist the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) in distributing the attached communication: ODPANN 20-114 Reissue COVID-19 FAQ About Modifications to MedAdmin Requirements. The purpose of this communication is to […]
May 23, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-042: Open for Public Comment: Concept Paper on Selective Contracting for Residential and Supports Coordination Services

To announce a 45-day public comment period on the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) proposal to implement Selective Contracting for Residential and Supports Coordination (SC) services. Public comment will be […]
May 23, 2023

ODP Announcement 23-042: Open for Public Comment: Concept Paper on Selective Contracting for Residential and Supports Coordination Services

To announce a 45-day public comment period on the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) proposal to implement Selective Contracting for Residential and Supports Coordination (SC) services. Public comment will be […]
May 22, 2023

SAVE THE DATE: Pennsylvania 2023 Lifesharing Conference – October 23 and 24 – Eden Resort Lancaster

Family Friendly, Training Hours, Sponsorship and Presenter Opportunities, Exhibit Hall, Excellence in Lifesharing Award Ceremony, and so much more! Attachment SAVE THE DATE: Pennsylvania 2023 Lifesharing Conference – October 23 […]
May 22, 2023

SAVE THE DATE: Pennsylvania 2023 Lifesharing Conference – October 23 and 24 – Eden Resort Lancaster

Family Friendly, Training Hours, Sponsorship and Presenter Opportunities, Exhibit Hall, Excellence in Lifesharing Award Ceremony, and so much more! Attachment 1: SAVE THE DATE: Pennsylvania 2023 Lifesharing Conference – October […]
May 16, 2023

ODP June 2023 Training Calendar 

The Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance distributing the ODP External Training Calendar for June, 2023. Attachment: ODP June 2023 Training Calendar 
May 16, 2023

ODP Announcement  23-041:  Max Number of Hours per Week of InHome and CS Companion Services that Relatives and Legal Guardians May Provide

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing announcement ODPANN 23-041 Max Number of Hours per Week of InHome and CS Companion Services that Relatives and Legal Guardians […]
May 16, 2023

ODP Announcement  23-041:  Max Number of Hours per Week of InHome and CS Companion Services that Relatives and Legal Guardians May Provide

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing announcement ODPANN 23-041 Max Number of Hours per Week of InHome and CS Companion Services that Relatives and Legal Guardians […]
May 16, 2023

ODP June 2023 Training Calendar 

The Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance distributing the ODP External Training Calendar for June, 2023 Attachment 1: ODP June 2023 Training Calendar