To notify Trainers and Learners that the start of the Medication Administration systemupgrade has been delayed. The upcoming system upgrade for the Medication Administrationsystem will be starting Thursday, September 26, 2024, and ending Thursday, October 10, 2024. Attachment 1: ODPANN 24-064 Update: Medication Administration Notification of System Upgrade and Lock-out Period starting
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-064 Update: Medication Administration Notification of System Upgrade and Lock-out Period starting September 26, 2024. The purpose of this communication is to notify Trainers and Learners that the start of the Medication Administration system upgrade has been delayed.
To remind Trainers and Learners about changes in the Medication Administration Trainingcourse and possible impacts of those changes:a. Written Documentation - Part 1: Pharmacy Label/Medication Record Comparison (Exam)b. Lesson Quizzes (1 through 9)To announce New Trainer and Recertification Face-to-Face classes added to the July schedule. Attachment 1: ODPANN 24-068 Reminder: Medication Administration
Please assist the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) in distributing the attached communication: New Medication Administration Platform Now Available for Trainer Candidates and Primary Contacts. The purpose of this communication is to inform all interested parties that the new Medication Administration platform is now available for Trainers and Primary Contacts. This announcement
To announce the release of the Modified Medication Administration course. This course is a requirement under the Chapter 6100 regulations for individuals supporting a family member in an unlicensed Lifesharing home. Attachment 1: 20-001: Modified Medication Administration Training Course Now Available
The purpose of this announcement is to remind the audience of the training requirements established by the Harry M Settlement agreement, and to provide updated information about how to access the required trainings. This Announcement will obsolete Announcements 021-14, 033-14 and 048-14 that previously linked to the Deaf Services Trainings. Attachment 119-17