To communicate clarification regarding new residential qualification requirements inwaiver amendments effective November 1, 2023, including the release of a FrequentlyAsked Questions (FAQ) document. Attachment 1: ODPANN 24-008: Clarification Regarding New Qualification Requirements for Agencies That Want to Enroll to Provide Residential Services Attachment 2: FAQ REGARDING QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR AGENCIES THAT WANT
To provide updated guidance to AAW SCs and their supervisors for adding theTransportation service to ISPs. This communication obsoletes ODPANN 20-045. Attachment 1: ODPANN 24-005: Adding the Transportation Service to an Individual Support Plan (ISP) in the Adult Autism Waiver (AAW)
To announce that the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has updated the Level ofCare Re-evaluation Tool to reflect the changes in the Supports Intensity Scale-AdultVersion®, 2nd Ed. Attachment 1: ODPANN 24-003: Level of Care Re-evaluation Tool Updated to Correspond With the Supports Intensity Scale Adult Version, 2nd Ed. Attachment 2: ODPANN 24-003
The purpose of this update is to notify stakeholders that the links for DP1059 and the Provider Qualification Record have changed. Please use the links in this update. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS) require a statewide process to ensure providers are qualified to render services to waiver-funded individuals. The Provider
Please assist the Office of Developmental Programs in sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-092: Community Participation Support (CPS) and Day Habilitation Teleservices Codes. The purpose of this announcement is to provide guidance for implementing CPS and Day Habilitation teleservices codes. Please review the announcement for additional information and detail. ODP Announcement 23-092: Community
To provide updated clarifications regarding the Career Planning (Vocational Assessment and Job Finding), Supported Employment (Intensive Job Coaching and Extended Employment Supports) services, Small Group Employment (formerly known as Transitional Work Services), and updated provider training requirements.The Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations (BSASP) is providing additional guidance about the
To announce the release of the new ODP Supports Coordinator Orientation on the MyODP website on July 3, 2023 Attachment ODP Announcement 23-058: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Supports Coordinator (SC) Orientation
To announce the release of updated attachments to Bulletin 00-22-03, Technical Guidance for Claim and Service Documentation to align with waiver changes approved in January 2023. ODP Announcement 23-055: Updates to Technical Guidance for Claim and Service Documentation Attachments
The purpose of this communication is to inform all interested parties that a recorded webcast regarding incident management – Understanding, Recognizing, and Reporting Passive and Self-Neglect is now available on MyODP. ODP Announcement 20-053: Incident Management (IM) Training Available on MyODP: Understanding, Recognizing, and Reporting Passive and Self Neglect
This Office of Developmental Program (ODP) communication will provide guidance for providers and teams of individuals who may wish to choose to receive and transition to Supported Living or Lifesharing services. The communication has been updated. Changes are in red. attachment ODP Announcement 22-068 Update: Transition to Independent Living Payments