The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-045: Tracking the Provision of Specialized Services Identified During the Preadmission Screening and Resident Review. The purpose of this announcement is to explain the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid’s (CMS) requirement for tracking Specialized Services(SS) Social Security Act
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-040: Now Available: Version 4 of the Community Participation Support (CPS) Question and Answer (Q&A) Document. This announcement and accompanying attachment provide new and updated answers to questions ODP has received on the Community Participation Support service.Please review
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-039 Proposed Performance Based Contracting IDA Waiver Amendments and Rates. The purpose of this communication To inform all interested stakeholders of the opportunity to submit public comments on the proposed implementation of Performance-Based Contracting for residential services and
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-032 Now Available: Administrative Review (AR) Courses. The purpose of this announcement is to communicate that the AR Course, which includes an online module and a live virtual case study session, is now available. Please review the announcement
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-030: Community Participation Support (CPS) Billing Changes to Assist Individuals to Participate in the InVEST Project and Trainings Held by Self Advocacy Power Network for All (SAPNA) and the PA Family Network. This communication announces CPS billing changes
The purpose of this communication is to introduce the new "SIS-A Discrepancy Form." Thisannouncement also provides guidance on how to submit a review request whendiscrepancies are identified in a finalized SIS-A Report and announces the creation of theODP SIS-A dedicated mailbox. Attachment 1: ODPANN 24-028: Office of Developmental Programs' (ODP) SIS-A Discrepancy
The purpose of this communication is to provide guidance for AAW SC Supervisors hiredafter 06/30/23 who also provide direct SC services and are therefore required to meet theSC Orientation requirements ODP released on the MyODP website on July 3, 2023, andannounced via ODP Announcement 23-058: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP)Supports Coordinator (SC)
To communicate clarification regarding new residential qualification requirements inwaiver amendments effective November 1, 2023, including the release of a FrequentlyAsked Questions (FAQ) document. Attachment 1: ODPANN 24-008: Clarification Regarding New Qualification Requirements for Agencies That Want to Enroll to Provide Residential Services Attachment 2: FAQ REGARDING QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR AGENCIES THAT WANT
To provide updated guidance to AAW SCs and their supervisors for adding theTransportation service to ISPs. This communication obsoletes ODPANN 20-045. Attachment 1: ODPANN 24-005: Adding the Transportation Service to an Individual Support Plan (ISP) in the Adult Autism Waiver (AAW)
To announce that the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has updated the Level ofCare Re-evaluation Tool to reflect the changes in the Supports Intensity Scale-AdultVersion®, 2nd Ed. Attachment 1: ODPANN 24-003: Level of Care Re-evaluation Tool Updated to Correspond With the Supports Intensity Scale Adult Version, 2nd Ed. Attachment 2: ODPANN 24-003