The purpose of this announcement is to inform Supports Coordinators (SCs) and Supports Coordination Supervisors (SC Supervisors) of the addition of email notifications when there is a system-generated alert in Enterprise Incident Management (EIM). The email notification functionality has been added to EIM in order to prompt users to login and review
This communication provides an overview about the process to implement reserved capacity for participant direction transfers in the Consolidated, Community Living and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) waivers (hereafter referred to as the Intellectual Disability/Autism waivers [ID/A waivers]). Each waiver reserves 5 spaces each year (a total of 15 per year) for participants
ODP is pleased to announce that the Certified Investigator Training Program vendor, Temple University of Harrisburg (TUH), has established a Quality Investigations Unit. This unit will be conducting Certified Investigator Peer Reviews (CIPRs) of investigations completed by Department-certified Investigators. Attachment ODP 19-29: Quality Investigation Unit at Temple University
To announce new documentation requirements within the Individual Support Plan (ISP).These requirements are part of the implementation of a settlement agreement, whichpertains to services received by individuals through the Consolidated Waiver. UPDATE:To clarify guidance on Page 5 regarding “Frequency and Duration of the actionsneeded.” The total number of units will NOT be
ODP is pleased to release the following report: “Improving the Quality of Residential Services.” For an overview and explanation, ODP encourages you to read and share the attached announcement with stakeholders, as it provides a brief overview of the report’s contents. The referenced report marks evidence of ODP’s continued commitment toward improved
This Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Communication is to inform all interested parties of revisions in the Residential Habilitation vacancy management process that pertains to Harry M. class members. Attachment ODP 19-003 : New Process for Residential Habilitation Vacancies
This ODP communication is intended to provide clarification regarding the provision of discrete Respite services for individuals who are authorized to receive Life Sharing services as well as clarification on the provision of Respite in Life Sharing homes. This communication applies to Life Sharing and/or Respite services rendered through the Consolidated, Person/Family
To provide guidance to interested parties on team discussions and documentation of staffing ratios and guidance on Supplemental Habilitation in Residential Habilitation services. Attachment 026-18 : Clarifications on Residential Service Staffing Ratios and Supplemental Habilitation in Residential Habilitation Services
The purpose of this announcement is to remind the audience of the training requirements established by the Harry M Settlement agreement, and to provide updated information about how to access the required trainings. This Announcement will obsolete Announcements 021-14, 033-14 and 048-14 that previously linked to the Deaf Services Trainings. Attachment 119-17
This ODP communication is intended to provide clarification on changes to residential services as specified in the approved Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) waivers effective July 1, 2017. Attachments 083-17 : NOW AVAILABLE: Transition of Behavioral Support in Residential Services Question and Answer Document