ODP Announcement 23-014: Supports Intensity Scale -Adult (SIS-A) and Pennsylvania (PA) Supplement Assessments – Supports Coordination (SC) Participation and Scheduling Guidance

The purpose of this communication is to provide new guidance to SCOs on Supports Coordinators’ (SC) participation in the SIS-ATM and PA Supplement assessments, as well as clarification and new guidance on virtual assessments. This announcement obsoletes ODP Announcement 22-090. Attachment 1: ODP Announcement 23-014: Supports Intensity Scale -Adult (SIS-A) and Pennsylvania (PA)

ODP Announcement 22-126: Incident Management Clarification of Roles for the Supports Coordination Organizations and Administrative Entities

The purpose of this announcement is to provide clarification to Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs) and County Program/Administrative Entities (AEs) with regards to the SCOs’ role related to administrative reviews as part of the incident management process. ODP Announcement 22-126: Incident Management Clarification of Roles for the Supports Coordination Organizations and Administrative Entities

A table with a calculator, a twenty dollar bill and a notepad

PA Assistive Technology Foundation Publishes Financial Education Publications

The Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF) has issued new editions of its Cents and Sensibility and the accompanying educators manual. The 7th edition of Cents and Sensibility: A Guide to Money Management addresses the financial education needs of people with disabilities, while providing strategies, activities, and resources for anyone who wants to

ODPANN 22-115 Nonreported and underreported Incident Detection using Medicaid Claim Data Administrative Entity

The purpose of this announcement is to inform AEs of a new process to detect unreported and under-reported incidents. This process links together ICD-10 diagnostic codes with corresponding incidents with the Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) System, and to announce a phased oversite approach to monitoring unreported and underreported Incidents. ODPANN 22-115 Nonreported

ODPANN 22-113: Medication Administration Course Requirements

The purpose of this announcement is to provide guidance and a timeline for the implementation requirement of the 2022 Online Medication Administration Training Course and manual. Also, to announce the discontinuation of the 2004 paper course and paper examinations on January 1, 2024. ODPANN 22-113: Medication Administration Course Requirements

Monkeypox: What You Need To Know Webcast

On August 4, 2022, the Biden administration declared monkeypox a public health emergency. Since then, every state and Washington, D.C. has recorded cases of the virus. As of Sept. 20, 2022, the CDC reported 24,203 total confirmed monkeypox cases in the United States. Of those cases, 3 percent, or 708 total, were
