The communication corner logo with mazes inside two heads silhouettes

Communication Corner – July is Disability Pride Month

Each year we celebrate July as Disability Pride Month.  It’s a time to celebrate and advocate for a more inclusive world! What can YOU do to make a difference for someone with communication needs? Support access always!Ensure a person’s communication device is always available.Have interpreters available. If you notice someone does not

The communication corner logo with mazes inside two heads silhouettes

Communication Corner – June is National Aphasia Awareness Month

What is Aphasia? An impairment of language, affecting the production or comprehension of speech and the ability to read or write Seven tips for communicating with someone with Aphasia: A - Ask simple questionsP - Provide choicesH - Help communicate, if askedA - Acknowledge it, if there is frustrationS - Speak slowly

The communication corner logo with mazes inside two heads silhouettes

Communication Corner – May is Mental Health Awareness Month!

Research has shown that effective communication is key to positive mental health. Communication drives our ability to form relationships and share our wants and needs with another person. It also allows us to discuss our deeper thoughts and feelings as we build relationships. In fact, a Harvard study showed that the people

The communication corner logo with mazes inside two heads silhouettes

Communication Corner – April is Autism Acceptance Month!

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is now the fastest growing developmental disorder impacting 1 in 36 people.  Additionally, 40% of those with ASD have limited speech or do not communicate through speech. Communication is how we connect and build relationships as well as meet our own needs.  Communication, however, it is done, is

The communication corner logo with mazes inside two heads silhouettes

Communication Corner – March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month!

To celebrate this important month, we wanted to share tips for encouraging inclusive communication environments.  Our access to communication is the backbone of our connection to one another.  By ensuring that all people have the opportunity to engage in communication in any environment, we promote equality, understanding, and engagement.  Be aware of

The communication corner logo with mazes inside two heads silhouettes

Communication Corner – New Year, New Communication Opportunities!

As we enter 2023, take the time to look at communication goals to propel communication access and understanding forward. You can use the LifeCourse Framework and its tools to assess what is happening now, what needs to happening moving forward, and most importantly what is it that the individual wants to achieve. 

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Communication Corner – Communication Tips during Holiday Gatherings

Don’t expect perfection, the holidays can be triggering, hard, and overstimulating for some Double check for understanding Be patient – allow extra time for processing Allow frequent breaks in a quiet space – group settings can be exhausting Be aware of everyone’s sensory needs If the person uses a device or aided

The communication corner logo with mazes inside two heads silhouettes

Communication Corner – November Honors National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness

As people age, there are often changes in communication.  If a person also has Alzheimer’s Disease those changes may be even more pronounced.  As good communication partners, we should change our communication to better match their needs.  Below is a link to our Communication and Alzheimer’s Disease infographic.  It contains some great
