Quality Management (QM) Templates & Tools

ODP provides these templates and tools to help guide AEs, SCOs and providers to identify and prioritize areas to improve and then achieve and maintain a desired level of excellence. Entities are encouraged to utilize resources provided here to help them carry out the continuous quality improvement (CQI) process successfully. Efforts of all entities in this critical area of improving quality help our system in supporting individuals we serve to live an everyday life.

Download the QM Certification Handbook

QM Certification Handbook

Go-to resource for understanding foundations of QM, ODP QM requirements, and how best to utilize templates and tools provided by ODP.

Download the QM Certification Handbook

QM RM IM Connections

QM, RM, and IM are not just separate operational tasks that are required for quality assurance (QA) compliance purposes. They go hand-in-hand and are all critical functions for keeping people safe and helping them to live their best Everyday life.

Download the QM Management Plan

QM Plan Template

The QM Plan describes, in broad terms, the long-term plan for improvement that identifies an entity’s improvement priorities and target objectives.

Click to access QM Plan Annotated pdf

QM Plan Template – Example

An example of a QM Plan, with helpful hints included within the example.

Download the QM Action Plan Template

QM Action Plan Template

The Action Plan is a part of the QM plan; a support document that is essentially a blueprint for how the QM plan will be implemented.

Click to access the Action Plan Annotated pdf

QM Action Plan Template – Example

An example of an Action Plan, with helpful hints included within the example.

Download the QM Review Plan Checklist

QM Plan & Action Plan Review Checklist

Created by ODP for use  when developing a QM Plan with an Action Plan to ensure successful implementation of improvement projects.

Download the QM Quarterly Report Template

QM Quarterly Report Template

Created by ODP for use when developing a QM quarterly report. An example of a completed quarterly report can be found in the QM Certification Handbook.

QM Data Monitoring & Analysis Template

Created by ODP for use when monitoring, trending and analyzing data, as well as documenting activities all in one place. This Excel document is modifiable and can be used with a variety of different data.

QM Data Monitoring & Analysis Template – Examples

Provides several examples of how this template can be used and modified for a variety of purposes.

QM Plan End-of-Cycle Review Template

Created by ODP for use when determining next steps to take for continuous quality improvement (CQI) when you’ve come to the end of a QM Plan cycle.

HCBS Quality Framework

Provides a common frame of reference in support of productive dialogue among all parties who have a stake in the quality of community services and supports for older persons and individuals with disabilities.

ODP’s CMS Performance Measures

ODP has developed performance measures (PMs) for each of the CMS waiver assurance areas, for which we must track, analyze, and report performance over time.

Quality Management Spotlights

QM Spotlight, Summer 2024

This spotlight asks if we are Using Data to Make Decisions? If not, Start!

QM Spotlight, Spring 2024

This spotlight promotes Building & Sustaining a Culture of Quality!

QM Spotlight, Winter 2024

Check out these one-stop shop landing pages for all your ODP QM and DEI needs!

QM Spotlight, Fall 2023

It’s not just about collecting numbers! It’s about USING them to identify opportunities to TAKE ACTION!

Click to access the QM Spotlight, Special Edition 2023

QM Spotlight, Special Edition 2023

Myth-busting! Find out which CMS/HCBS Quality Framework focus areas are required to develop QMPs for.

Click to view the QM Spotlight Spring  23 Edition

QM Spotlight, Summer 2023

This issue introduces ODP’s new QM template—developed in Excel—intended to assist entities with data collection, monitoring and analysis.

Click to view the QM Spotlight Spring  23 Edition

QM Spotlight, Spring 2023

Features annotated examples of required components of an ODP QM Plan and Action Plan and shines the light on each part that makes up one complete plan.

Click to view the QM Winter Spotlight 2022

QM Spotlight, Winter 2022

Introduces ODP’s QM Plan and Action Plan Review Checklist and highlights good reasons for using it.

Click to access the QM Fall 2022 Spotlight pdf

QM Spotlight, Fall 2022

Focuses on how ODP is shifting QM Plan monitoring through the QA&I process from “compliance focused” to “person-centered outcomes focused.”

Click to Access the QM Summer 2022 Spotlight pdf

QM Spotlight, Summer 2022

Focuses on implementation of the PDCA cycle during QM planning and implementation.