ODP Announcement  22-068 Update: Transition to Independent Living Payments

This Office of Developmental Program (ODP) communication will provide guidance for providers and teams of individuals who may wish to choose to receive and transition to Supported Living or Lifesharing services. The communication has been updated. Changes are in red. attachment ODP Announcement  22-068 Update: Transition to Independent Living Payments

ODP Announcement 23-036: Guidance: Life Sharing for Individuals with a Medically Complex Condition

The Office of Developmental Programs requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-036: Guidance: Life Sharing for Individuals with a Medically Complex Condition. Effective June 1, 2022, the approved waiver amendments included expanded eligibility for individuals with a medically complex condition. The Consolidated Waiver amendment specifically included new qualification criteria for

Supports Coordinator (SC) First Year Training Plan

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has started the process to update and restructure ODP’s required SC Orientation Training Curriculum. The new training plan identifies requirements and recommendations for SC Orientation and First Year Training for SCs. The revised SC Training Plan applies to all SCs including those supporting individuals receiving services

One Page Reference for Supports Coordination (SC) Billing for Cross-Systems Meetings

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached One Page Reference for Supports Coordination (Sc) Billing for Cross-Systems Meetings. The reference document was developed to help Supports Coordinators in determining when to bill for a multi-agency meeting. Please review and share. Attachment One Page Reference for Supports Coordination

The blur of a traffic passes by in while looking down a road at a stopped bus

Integrated Transportation Resource Guide

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has released its newly developed Integrated Transportation Guide as a resource to assist individuals in developing reliable transportation routes. Transportation continues to be a barrier to people finding and maintaining competitive-integrated employment. In response, ODP's Employment Innovation Area Work Group developed the guide, which utilizes the
