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Sep 9, 2021

ODPANN 21-063 — Incident Management Guidance for Private ICFs

To disseminate operating procedures and directions for the IM process for private ICFsas well as SCOs, and County ID Programs serving individuals residing in a private ICF. Attachment 1: ODPANN 21-063 — Incident Management Guidance for Private ICFs Attachment 2:…

Jul 21, 2021

ODPANN 21-055: Changes to Deaf Services and the Harry M. Class

The Harry M. settlement agreement will be ending on July 29, 2021. This announcement describes how this change impacts stakeholders. Attachment 1: ODP Announcement 21-055: Changes to Deaf Services and the Harry […]
Jul 1, 2021

ODPANN 21-051: Incident Management (IM) Bulletin Effective July 1, 2021

The Office of Developmental Programs requests your assistance distributing the attached communication, ODPANN 21-051: Incident Management (IM) Bulletin Effective July 1, 2021. This communication is a reminder to all stakeholders […]
Jun 28, 2021

ODPANN 21-050: Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Referral Process for Employment-Related Services Effective July 1, 2021

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance distributing the attached communication, ODPANN 21-050: Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Referral Process for Employment-Related Services Effective July 1, 2021. On February […]
Jun 25, 2021

ODPANN 21-049: Incident Management (IM) Clarification of Responsibilities for Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs)

The announcement provides clarification on the roles of SCOs and Supports Coordinators once IM Bulletin 00-21-02 becomes effective on July 1, 2021. Please review the announcement for additional information. Attachment […]
May 28, 2021

ODPANN 21-041 Clarification on Documentation Requirements for Supports Coordination (SC) Activities and the Home and Community Services Information System (HCSIS) Service Notes

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance distributing the attached communication, ODPANN 21-041: Clarification on Documentation Requirements for Supports Coordination (SC) Activities and the Home and Community Services […]
May 21, 2021

ODPANN 21-039: Incident Management Update Regarding Individual-to-Individual Abuse and Serious Injury

To inform providers that on July 1, 2021, an investigation will not be mandatory and need tobe completed by a Department-certified Investigator for the following incidents whenreported in the Enterprise […]
Apr 14, 2021

ODPANN 21-034: ODP Regulation Update: Orientation and Annual Training Question and Answer Document and Annual Training Clarifications

This communication provides updated clarifications on annual training requirements in55 Pa. Code Chapters 2380, 2390, 6100, 6400 and 6500. In addition, thiscommunication announces the development of a question and answer […]
Mar 9, 2021

ODPANN 21-025: Respite for a Participant Receiving Life Sharing Services

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance distributing the attached communication, ODPANN 21-025: Respite for a Participant Receiving Life Sharing Services. This communication is intended to clarify which […]
Feb 25, 2021

ODPANN 21-023 Human Rights Webcasts

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance distributing the attached communication; Announcement 21-023: Human Rights Webcasts. With the recent release of Bulletin 00-21-01 Guidance for Human Rights Teams […]
Jan 27, 2021

ODPANN 21-015: New Orientation for Adult Autism Waiver Supports Coordination Organizations

To inform SCOs of a new orientation curriculum on MyODP for Supports Coordinators(SC) and SC Supervisors serving participants in the AAW. Attachment 1: ODPANN 21-015: New Orientation for Adult Autism […]
Jan 14, 2021

ODP Announcement 21-004: The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Provider Qualification (PQ) Form (DP 1088)  for the Adult Autism Waiver (AAW)

To inform all AAW providers about the new ODP Provider Qualification Form – DP 1088 which must be completed by all AAW providers as described below. This form is not […]
Dec 17, 2020

Bulletin 00-20-04 Participant Directed Services Agency With Choice Financial Management Services Model

The Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is pleased to announce the release of Bulletin 00-20-04, Participant-Directed Services: Agency With Choice Financial Management Services Model. This bulletin […]
Dec 17, 2020

Communication and… Series

ODP is happy to announce the publication of the Communication and…Series with over 25 different diagnoses included! The goal of this series is to provide information on how each diagnosis […]
Dec 4, 2020

ODP Announcement 20-111: New Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs) Qualification Process

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS) requires a statewide processto ensure SCOs are qualified to render services to waiver-funded individuals. ODP is replacing the previous AAW SCO requalification process […]
Dec 3, 2020

ODP Announcement 20-110: New Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) Provider Qualification Process

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS) requires a statewide processto ensure providers are qualified to render services to waiver-funded individuals. ODP continues to align processes whenever possible, therefore, the […]
Nov 20, 2020

ODP Visual Gestural Communication (VGC)

Do you support an individual who uses VGC? This mode of communication can be described as a natural response to wanting to communicate, including all forms of gestures. Join the […]
Nov 13, 2020

Visual Gestural Communication: Module 1

ODP is happy to announce publication of our first online Visual Gestural Communication (VGC) training module! Over 8,000 individuals supported in the ODP system have VGC listed as their primary […]
Oct 26, 2020

ODP Announcement 20-100 REMINDER: Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) Quarterly Progress Note Updates

To inform ODP AAW SCOs and providers that Quarterly Summary Reports (QSRs) are being replaced by Quarterly Progress Notes (QPNs). Attachment 1: ODP Announcement 20-100 REMINDER: Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) […]
Oct 6, 2020

PATC 2020 Follow Up

We have posted PowerPoints and resources from the PATC presentations, as well as personal stories shared by individuals with ASD. If you did attend PATC 2020, and have not yet […]
Aug 28, 2020

ODP Announcement 20-084: Update– AAW and ACAP Restriction Intervention Plan Indicator

To remind AAW and ACAP Behavior Specialists/Behavioral Health Specialists to answer the restrictive procedure plan indicator in the Behavioral Support Plan (BSP), and to request that all existing BSPs are […]
Aug 13, 2020

Electronic Visit Verification Overview for AEs and SCOs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

On July 27, 2020, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) facilitated an overview meeting with Administrative Entities (AEs) and Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs) on Electronic Visit Verification (EVV). ODP communicated […]
Jun 3, 2020

ODP Announcement 20-064: AAW and ACAP Periodic Risk Evaluation (PRE) Revisions and Training

To provide updated PRE resources and to announce revisions to the PRE tool in QuestionPro and an upcoming Virtual Targeted Training (VTT) that will replace the existing PRE training module currently […]
May 20, 2020

ODP Announcement 20-058: Additional Fields in HCSIS Service Notes Now Available for the Adult Autism Waiver (AAW)

The purpose of this communication is to notify SCOs enrolled in the AAW of a change to the service note fields in HCSIS Attachment 1: ODP Announcement 20-058: Additional Fields in […]
Mar 13, 2020

20-021 : Heightened Scrutiny Onsite Tools for Residential Service Locations Finalized and Now Available Online

The purpose of this communication is to announce that the Heightened Scrutiny Onsite Tools for Residential Service Locations have been finalized and posted. The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is […]
Feb 24, 2020

Department of Human Services Releases Guidance for Family First Providers

Session opportunities are 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on February 25 and 28. To register, email Visit or email for more information. Attachment 1: Department of Human […]
Feb 21, 2020

Provider Agreement Reminder Notice

A copy of the Provider Agreement for Participation in Pennsylvania’s Consolidated, Person/Family Directed Support, Community Living Waivers and Adult Autism Waiver and accompanying letter from Deputy Secretary for Developmental Programs […]
Feb 18, 2020

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Contact Information for ID/Autism Coordinators- Updated 1/3/20

On February 14, 2019, the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) and the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) released Bulletin 00-19-01, OVR Referral Process for ODP Employment-Related Services. Attachment 4 to […]
Feb 18, 2020

DHS and DOH Bulletin on Medical Marijuana and State Licensure of Facilities and Agencies

The purpose of this bulletin is to clarify the storage, use, and administration of medical marijuana in facilities licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) and Pennsylvania Department of […]
Feb 14, 2020

20-014 New ODP Regulation Update Clarification Regarding Medication Administration Requirements

To announce that requested clarification has been developed regarding Medication Administration requirements in 55 Pa. Code §§6100.461 – 6100.469. Attachment 1: 20-014 New ODP Regulation Update Clarification Regarding Medication Administration […]
Feb 7, 2020

20-012 Broadening Provider Qualifications for the Benefits Counseling Service 

To disseminate information regarding the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) change to the minimum qualification requirements to provide Benefits Counseling in the Consolidated, Community Living, and P/FDS waivers. Attachment 1: […]
Feb 7, 2020

Individual Support Plans for Individuals Receiving TSM, Base-Funded Services, ID/A Waiver Services or Who Reside in an ICF/ID

Please find attached the Individual Support Plans (ISPs) for Individuals Receiving Targeted Support Management, Base-Funded Services, Consolidated, Community Living or Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) Waiver Services (the ID/A Waivers), or […]
Feb 5, 2020

ODP  Licensing Chapters Updated with New Requirements

The Chapter 6100 regulations and revised versions of Chapters 2380, 2390, 6400, and 6500 became fully effective on February 1, 20201. The Pennsylvania Code has been officially updated to reflect […]
Feb 4, 2020

20-009:  Provider Closure Notification Form (DP 1061)

The Provider Closure Notification Form (DP 1061) is used to ensure that all ODP waiver and system requirements are met for any provider who no longer intends to provide ODP […]
Feb 3, 2020

ODP Releases Chapter 6400 Regulatory Compliance Guide

The purpose of this bulletin is to announce the release of the Chapter 6400 Regulatory Compliance Guide (RCG) (6400) for implementation starting February 3, 2020. Attachment 1: ODP Releases Chapter […]
Jan 29, 2020

20-005: Notice for Administrative Entities (AEs) Regarding Level of Care Evaluations (LOC) for the Adult Autism Waiver

To inform Administrative Entities (AEs) of their role in conducting initial Level of Care (LOC) determinations for the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations (BSASP) Adult Autism Waiver […]
Jan 20, 2020

Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Provider Agreement Effective 1/1/2020

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) released notification on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 of the new Provider Agreement effective January 1, 2020. The attached letter from ODP Deputy Secretary Kristin […]
Jan 14, 2020

ODP Provider Agreement and Instructions FINAL 1-13-20

Attached please find the new Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Provider Agreement. Effective January 1, 2020, the Provider Agreement must be filled out and submitted by the legal entity of […]
Jan 1, 2020

20-001: Modified Medication Administration Training Course Now Available

To announce the release of the Modified Medication Administration course. This course is a requirement under the Chapter 6100 regulations for individuals supporting a family member in an unlicensed Lifesharing […]
Dec 23, 2019

ODPANN 19-166: Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Population (BSASP) Required Program Assessment: Changes to Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised(SIB-r) Administration

To explain changes to the process of administering the SIBr in the AAW. Attachment 1: ODPANN 19-166: Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Population (BSASP) Required Program Assessment: Changes […]
Dec 21, 2019

ODP 109-18: Fair Hearing Request Form & Instructions

To inform all stakeholders that the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has updated the Fair Hearing Request Form (DP 458) and replaced older versions on MyODP and the Department of […]
Dec 20, 2019

ODPANN 19-163: Independent Monitoring for Quality (IM4Q) Interviews to Include Adult Autism Waiver (AAW)

Independent Monitoring for Quality (IM4Q) Interviews to include Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) To provide SCs and SC Supervisors information regarding IM4Q interviews and to notify SCs and SC Supervisors that […]
Dec 13, 2019

ODPANN 19-160: Enrolling As An Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) Transportation Provider

To provide information to agencies interested in enrolling as a direct provider orOrganized Healthcare Delivery System (OHCDS) provider of the Transportation serviceadded to the AAW with an anticipated effective date […]
Oct 18, 2019

ODP 19-138:  Approved Program Capacity (APS) and updated Noncontiguous Clearance Form

This Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) communication is to inform all interested parties providing services in the Consolidated, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS), and Community Living Waivers of the process ODP […]
Oct 8, 2019

Community Health Choices (CHC) Fact Sheet: Transportation

Community HealthChoices (CHC) is Pennsylvania’s mandatory managed care program for individuals who are 21 years of age or older and have both Medicare and Medicaid or receive long-term services and […]
Oct 2, 2019

ODP 19-127: REVISED Investigations by an ODP-Certified Investigator Required by Chapter 6100: ODP’s Expectations and Implementation Strategy

Yesterday, the Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) issued ODPANN 19-127, Investigations by an ODP-Certified Investigator Required by Chapter 6100: ODP’s Expectations and Implementation Strategy. The announcement contained a typographical […]
Sep 30, 2019

ODP 19-115 Updated: e-CIS Business Partner Access – Registration Open

To announce that registration is open for Business Partners to begin the process for moving to e-CIS access. Attachment ODP 19-115 Updated: e-CIS Business Partner Access – Registration Open
Sep 13, 2019

ODP 19-120: Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Training Registration and ODP Technical Guidance 

To announce that EVV training registration is now open for providers, provider agencies and AWCs who will use the DHS Sandata EVV system and that ODP-specific EVV technical guidance is […]
Sep 3, 2019

Community Health Choices Fall Provider Session Registration

Registration is now open for the upcoming Community HealthChoices (CHC) Fall Educational Provider Sessions for Phase Three regions. Attachment Community Health Choices Fall Provider Session Registration
Aug 28, 2019

Community Health Choices

Community HealthChoices (CHC) is Pennsylvania’s mandatory managed care program for individuals who are dually eligible for Medicare (Part A and/or Part B) and Medicaid. CHC also covers individuals 21 years […]
Aug 19, 2019

ODP 19-107: Now Available Version 3 of the Community Participation Support Question and Answer Document

The purpose of this communication is to announce the release of Version 3 of the Community Participation Support Question and Answer Document. Please review the announcement and the question and […]
Jul 22, 2019

Community Health Choices Fact Sheet: Service Coordination

For more information about service coordination in CHC, please view the attached fact sheet. Attachment Community Health Choices Fact Sheet: Service Coordination
Jul 15, 2019

ODP 19-098: Clarification on Identification of Staffing Ratios for Facility Time in the Community Participation Support Service

To address identification of staffing ratios for facility time in the provision of the Community Participation Support service. Attachment ODP 19-098: Clarification on Identification of Staffing Ratios for Facility Time in […]
Jul 3, 2019

ODP 19-091: Revisions to the Annotated ISP and Related Trainings

To provide information to interested parties on revisions to the annotated ISP and its impact on the documentation of staffing support provided to people receiving residential habilitation services in waiver […]
Jun 30, 2019

ODP 19-090: Continued Guidance: Community Participation Support Implementation

To provide continued guidance, including a timeline for transitional activities, regarding the July 1, 2019 requirement in the Community Participation Support and Day Habilitation service definitions that each individual be […]
Jun 29, 2019

ODP 19-086: ODP Launches Online Provider Profiles

This Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Announcement communicates the launching of ODP’s Online Provider Profiles to all stakeholders. The announcement also includes registration information for ODP webinar training sessions for […]
Jun 22, 2019

ODP 19-084: Delay for Requirements Regarding the Number of Individuals Served in Licensed Facilities that Provide Community Participation Support or Day Habilitation Services

Contact information for Licensed Adult Training Facilities and Vocational Facilities that relocate an existing service location to a new service location . Attachment ODP 19-084: Delay for Requirements Regarding the […]
Jun 12, 2019

ODP 19-072: New SPeCTRUM 2.0 Training

To announce the availability of an updated version of the required SPeCTRUM training for AAW and ACAP providers and SCOs, and to outline the requirements and timeframes for providers and […]
Jun 11, 2019

ODP 19-069: Reissue 2– Process Modification in The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Provider Enrollment Process

To inform all waiver providers and vendors that a modification in the Office of Developmental Programs Provider Enrollment will take effect July 1, 2019. Attachment ODP 19-069: Reissue 2– Process […]
Apr 15, 2019

ODP 19-048: Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Contact Information for ID/Autism Coordinators–Updated 4/10/19

To announce that an updated version of the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Contact Information for ID/Autism Coordinators is now available. Attachment ODP 19-048: Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Contact […]
Apr 5, 2019

ODP 19-025: Now Available– Updated ID/Waiver Employment Service Definition Question and Answer Document and ID/A Waiver Employment Service Definition Quick Guide

These documents are intended to provide updated guidance related to the following Intellectual Disability/Autism (ID/A) Waiver employment services: • Advanced Supported Employment • Supported Employment • Small Group Employment • […]
Apr 1, 2019

ODP 19-043: EIM Alerts for Incidents not submitted within 72 hours of Creation

The purpose of this communication is to inform providers, SCOs and other reporting entities who have a responsibility to file incidents in EIM of the functionality of EIM Alerts they […]
Apr 1, 2019

ODP 19-042: Generation of EIM Notifications for Supports Coordinators and Supports Coordination Supervisors

The purpose of this announcement is to inform Supports Coordinators (SCs) and Supports Coordination Supervisors (SC Supervisors) of the addition of email notifications when there is a system-generated alert in […]
Mar 19, 2019

ODP 19-036: Process To Implement Participant Direction Transfers From the Adult Autism Waiver to an ID/A Waiver

This communication provides an overview about the process to implement reserved capacity for participant direction transfers in the Consolidated, Community Living and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) waivers (hereafter referred to […]
Mar 11, 2019

ODP 19-29: Quality Investigation Unit at Temple University

ODP is pleased to announce that the Certified Investigator Training Program vendor, Temple University of Harrisburg (TUH), has established a Quality Investigations Unit. This unit will be conducting Certified Investigator […]
Feb 5, 2019

ODPANN 19-012 UPDATE: New Documentation Requirements for Individual Support Plans (ISPs) Within the Consolidated Waiver

To announce new documentation requirements within the Individual Support Plan (ISP).These requirements are part of the implementation of a settlement agreement, whichpertains to services received by individuals through the Consolidated […]
Jan 28, 2019

ODP 19-007: Improving the Quality of Residential Services Report Available

ODP is pleased to release the following report: “Improving the Quality of Residential Services.” For an overview and explanation, ODP encourages you to read and share the attached announcement with […]
Jan 22, 2019

ODP Providers & CHC Fact Sheet

For more information about CHC for ODP service providers, view the attached fact sheet. Attachment ODP Providers & CHC Fact Sheet
Jan 3, 2019

ODP 19-003 : New Process for Residential Habilitation Vacancies

This Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Communication is to inform all interested parties of revisions in the Residential Habilitation vacancy management process that pertains to Harry M. class members. Attachment […]
Aug 14, 2018

Health Alert– Choking: A Medical Emergency

This Health Alert is intended to make all providers, staff and other caregivers aware of this serious issue of choking. All should become familiar with resources to aid in the […]
Aug 14, 2018

076-18:  Required Dual Diagnosis Training for Providers Newly Enrolling to Provide Residential Habilitation Services

To inform providers that ODP is requiring newly enrolling providers of Residential Habilitation services to complete the ODP-approved Dual Diagnosis Training curriculum. This applies to new Residential Habilitation providers who […]
Apr 30, 2018

BAW 18-13 Admin Notice : Entering SIB-r Information into QuestionPro

To notify Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) Supports Coordinators (SCs) that raw score information from the Scales of Independent Behavior- Revised (SIB-r) should now be entered in QuestionPro. Attachment BAW 18-13 […]
Apr 22, 2018

039-18 : Charting the LifeCourse Webcasts Now Available on MyODP

To announce the availability of webcasts on Charting the LifeCourse material. Attachments 039-18 : Charting the LifeCourse Webcasts Now Available on MyODP
Mar 20, 2018

028-18 : Now Available: Life Sharing and Respite Question and Answer Document

This ODP communication is intended to provide clarification regarding the provision of discrete Respite services for individuals who are authorized to receive Life Sharing services as well as clarification on […]
Mar 9, 2018

026-18 : Clarifications on Residential Service Staffing Ratios and Supplemental Habilitation in Residential Habilitation Services

To provide guidance to interested parties on team discussions and documentation of staffing ratios and guidance on Supplemental Habilitation in Residential Habilitation services. Attachment 026-18 : Clarifications on Residential Service […]
Jan 3, 2018

BAW18-01 Admin Notice: Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Manual Now Available

To communicate the availability of the Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Manual and accompanying appendices. Attachment BAW18-01 Admin Notice: Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Manual Now Available
Nov 27, 2017

BAW17-37 Admin Notice: New Restrictive Intervention Plan Indicator

To communicate a new restrictive procedure plan indicator in the Behavioral Support Plan (BSP) Attachment BAW17-37 Admin Notice: New Restrictive Intervention Plan Indicator
Oct 30, 2017

119-17 Required Deaf Services Trainings on MyODP

The purpose of this announcement is to remind the audience of the training requirements established by the Harry M Settlement agreement, and to provide updated information about how to access […]
Oct 25, 2017

117-17 : Now Available: New Community Participation Supports Training Module 7 Building Relationships That Sustain a Community Life

The purpose of this communication is to inform providers that the seventh module of the required Community Participation Supports training is now available on and to provide additional information […]
Oct 12, 2017

112-17 : Now Available: New Community Participation Supports Training Module 6: Introduction to Community Mapping

The purpose of this communication is to inform providers that the sixth module of the required Community Participation Supports training is now available on and to provide additional information […]
Sep 28, 2017

106-17 : Now Available: New Community Participation Supports Training Module 5, Person Centered Planning

The purpose of this communication is to inform providers that the fifth module of the required Community Participation Supports training is now available on and to provide additional information […]
Aug 22, 2017

090-17: Community Participation Support Training Module 4: Inclusion /Integration Now Available on MyODP

The purpose of this communication is to inform providers that Module 4 of the required Community Participation Supports training is now available on and to provide additional information on […]
Aug 14, 2017

084-17 : REISSUE SIS™ Urgent Request Process Quick Tips Sheet

To announce that ODP is reissuing Communication 084-17 because ODP has updated and rereleased a “SIS™ Urgent Request Process Quick Tips Sheet” and posted it on MyODP Training and Resource […]
Aug 10, 2017

085-17 : New Courses on Person Centered Thinking and Dementia Care Are Available on MyODP

To announce the addition of two new ODP courses on MyODP: 1. “Foundations of Person Centered Thinking.” 2. “Overview of Dementia Capable Care for People with Intellectual Disability” professional development […]
Aug 8, 2017

083-17 : NOW AVAILABLE: Transition of Behavioral Support in Residential Services Question and Answer Document

This ODP communication is intended to provide clarification on changes to residential services as specified in the approved Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) waivers effective July 1, 2017. Attachments […]
Aug 6, 2017

082-17 : Now Available: New Community Participation Supports Training Modules – 2. What are Community Participation Supports, 3. Where Community Participation Supports are Provided

The purpose of this communication is to inform providers that the second and third modules of the required Community Participation Supports training is now available on and to provide […]
Aug 1, 2017

BAW17-28  Admin Notice : Documenting Participant Consent to ISP Revisions

To inform AAW Supports Coordinators (SC) of the requirement to receive and document verbal consent from the participant when the Bureau of Autism Services (BAS) requests certain revisions to the […]
Jul 21, 2017

075-17 : Now Available: The “Why” – Everyday Lives Module 1 of the Required Community Participation Supports Training

The purpose of this communication is to inform providers that the first module of the required Community Participation Supports training is now available on and to provide additional information […]
Jul 12, 2017

BAW17-25 Admin Notice : Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS): Next Steps and Reminders

To communicate next steps and reminders for implementing Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Attachment BAW17-25 Admin Notice : Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS): Next Steps and Reminders
Jun 12, 2017

050-17 : Provider Closure Notification Form (DP 1061)

The Provider Closure Notification Form (DP 1061) is used to ensure that all ODP waiver and system requirements are met for any provider who no longer intends to provide ODP […]
Jun 1, 2017

BAW17-17 Info Memo : Pathways to Employment: A New Employment Resource for BAS Program Supports Coordinators

To inform SCs and SC Supervisors of a new employment resource available to assist in discussing employment with AAW and ACAP participants and their families Attachment BAW17-17 Info Memo : […]
Jun 1, 2017

046-17 : Discontinuation of Life Sharing Ineligible Fees

The purpose of this communication is to inform all parties that all ineligible fees for Life Sharing will be discontinued as of June 30, 2017. Attachment 046-17 : Discontinuation of Life […]
May 1, 2017

BAW 17-18 Periodic Risk Evaluation (PRE): Next Steps & Reminders

To communicate next steps and reminders for implementing the Periodic RiskEvaluation (PRE) Attachment 1: BAW 17-18 Periodic Risk Evaluation (PRE): Next Steps & Reminders
May 1, 2017

BAS Communication Number BAW17-18: Periodic Risk Evaluation (PRE) Next Steps & Reminders

To communicate next steps and reminders for implementing the Periodic RiskEvaluation (PRE) Attachment 1: BAS Communication Number BAW17-18: Periodic Risk Evaluation (PRE) Next Steps & Reminders
Mar 31, 2017

022-17 : Ordering or Prescribing Provider: National Provider Index Number Required on Claims

To inform providers of the need to include the National Provider Index Number (NPI) of the ordering or prescribing provider on Home Health, Nursing, and Therapy claims and provide guidance […]
Feb 7, 2017

011-17 : Voter Registration Responsibilities

To update previously issued information regarding the responsibilities of County MH/DD offices pertaining to voter registration. Attachment 011-17 : Voter Registration Responsibilities
Dec 20, 2016

100-16 : Updated Administrative Fee Services Related to the Delivery of Vendor Services

The purpose of this communication is to issue updates to a previously released ODP Communication, Informational Packet 060-11, Administrative Fee Services Related to the Delivery of Vendor Services Attachment 100-16 […]
Nov 23, 2016

094-16 : Policy clarification surrounding the role of Direct Care Workers

To announce a policy clarification surrounding the role of Direct Care Workers (DCWs) Attachment 094-16 : Policy clarification surrounding the role of Direct Care Workers
Oct 16, 2016

081-14 : Benjamin Settlement Approved Protecting Freedom of Choice for Individuals in ICFs/ID

State-operated intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICFs/ID), Home and community-based waiver providers, Administrative Entities (AEs), Supports Coordination Organizations (SCO), advocates, individuals, and other interested parties. Attachment 081-14 […]
Oct 5, 2016

BAW16-48: Submitting and Entering the Vocational Profile into HCSIS–Moving Forward with Employment Goals

To provide expected timelines and general guidance for submitting and entering the Vocational Profile into HCSIS Attachment BAW16-48: Submitting and Entering the Vocational Profile into HCSIS–Moving Forward with Employment Goals