The PA CoP for Supporting Families has begun workgroups in four areas of innovation, listed below, which are of strong interest in our state. All are invited to join workgroups which provide another opportunity for people to learn and connect across our state.
The visions for each area were developed during a summit of Regional Collaboratives; these visions will help to guide the work of the groups. Contact the lead of any area that you are interested in joining for information about the next call.
Employment Vision
Statewide Structure Vision
Innovation Area Vision
- Shadowing for a month at agencies, AEs, state government
- System of networking for employers
- Paradigm shift in state structure based on best practice
- State and private university engagement
- Transition networks – one database for information sharing
- Everyone employed
- College experiences
- Internships
- Customized employment
- High expectations from families
- Community acceptance
- Training to employers – sharing positive examples
- Access to transportation
Kelly Arnold
ODP (Office of Developmental Programs)
Front Door Vision
Statewide Structure Vision
Innovation Area Vision
- Regional intake meetings quarterly
- Softer handoff from intake to Supports Coordination
- Consistent/standard process (terminology, interpretation of guidelines, expectations for collaboration, etc.)
- System for document and information sharing
- One stop “info” link
- Focus on immediate need
- Process that is:
- Quick
- Consistent
- Family Friendly
- Streamlined
- Ease of access to resources
- Face to face interactions
- Increased awareness BEFORE the front door
Marie Craven
ODP (Office of Developmental Programs)
Supports Coordination Vision
Statewide Structure Vision
Innovation Area Vision
- Use existing platforms (MyODP) to share information on what SCOs are doing
- Online learning platform for webinars/training
- Face to face opportunities to connect
- Interdisciplinary team meetings
- Streamline information dissemination
- System to share resources
- Roundtable discussions with decision makers and stakeholders
- Support/guidance for bridging the gap between school
and adult life
- SCs knowledgeable and empowered as advocates
- Less compliance driven
- Include LifeCourse principles in ISP
- SC has more time with individuals and families
- Simplified systems with less paperwork
Nancy Armstrong
ODP (Office of Developmental Programs)
Supporting Families Vision
Statewide Structure Vision
Innovation Area Vision
- LifeCourse in all functions of ODP (intake, plan, accessing services)
- Collaboration among Collaboratives
- Self-advocate and family representation
- Simplifying the system
- Detailed definitions of services AFTER identifying needs/wants
- One call system to communicate events
- Advocacy and peer to peer groups in locations
that are convenient
- Transportation and childcare considered
- Raising expectations – identify goals and work toward them
- SC awareness of resources – community and system
- Collaboration among team members, agencies, systems, etc.
Francine Hogan
PA Family Network
Renee Benise
SAU1 (Self Advocates United As ONE)