Beaver County – Butler / Armstrong / Indiana / Beaver / Lawrence Collaborative

Contact Information

Leslie Mine,

Website/Social Media Links

Beaver County System of Care

Beaver County Behavioral Health

Beaver County Early Intervention Facebook Page

Communication and Meetings Structure

The Lifecourse Framework has been fully implemented at intake to complete the Front Door Vision of a process that is quick, consistent, family friendly, streamlined, easy to access resources, and face to face interactions with increased awareness before the front door.  It has also been implemented in Early Intervention during transition to preschool services.  The Lifecourse Framework continues to be integrated into our Employment Coalition and Cross System and Quality Management planning.  Information is communicated through social media and system of care website.

Goals, next steps or actions plans

Trajectory for Beaver to strengthen local  and regional Communities of Practice team.  Build System of Care – utilize/update website; Participate in Innovation Workgroups; Resource Stars to assist SC’s with available community resources for families; Community Mapping for increased awareness before the front door and SCO’s toolbox; Continue to build Social Media/ Facebook presence; Include IM4Q, HCQU, AE QM/RM and Employment Coalition; Cross Systems Trainings:  School Districts, Transition Councils, Courts, First Responders, CASSP; Tools used to guide complex meetings; Making connections between employers and individuals w/ disabilities to find competitive employment connecting families to resources within their communities; Increase self-advocacy/ Family Support Services Program/ Family Liaison/ CoP Ambassador.

AE/SCO/Provider/DHS/Broad Community Partners Represented within Collaborative:

AE, SCO’s, Advocates, Individuals/Families, EI, BVIU, MH, CYS, Providers, Community Partners