This ODP communication is intended to provide clarification on changes to residential services as specified in the approved Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) waivers effective July 1, 2017. Attachments 083-17 : NOW AVAILABLE: Transition of Behavioral Support in Residential Services Question and Answer Document
The purpose of this communication is to inform providers that the second and third modules of the required Community Participation Supports training is now available on and to provide additional information on the curriculum. Attachment 082-17 : Now Available: New Community Participation Supports Training Modules - 2. What are Community Participation
To inform AAW Supports Coordinators (SC) of the requirement to receive and document verbal consent from the participant when the Bureau of Autism Services (BAS) requests certain revisions to the initial or annual ISP, and to inform BAS when a participant disagrees with those revisions. Attachment BAW17-28 Admin Notice : Documenting Participant Consent
The purpose of this communication is to inform providers that the first module of the required Community Participation Supports training is now available on and to provide additional information on the curriculum. Attachment 075-17 : Now Available: The “Why” – Everyday Lives Module 1 of the Required Community Participation Supports Training
To communicate next steps and reminders for implementing Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Attachment BAW17-25 Admin Notice : Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS): Next Steps and Reminders
The Provider Closure Notification Form (DP 1061) is used to ensure that all ODP waiver and system requirements are met for any provider who no longer intends to provide ODP Consolidated and/or Person/Family Directed (P/FDS) Waiver services. Attachment 050-17 : Provider Closure Notification Form (DP 1061)
To inform SCs and SC Supervisors of a new employment resource available to assist in discussing employment with AAW and ACAP participants and their families Attachment BAW17-17 Info Memo : Pathways to Employment: A New Employment Resource for BAS Program Supports Coordinators
The purpose of this communication is to inform all parties that all ineligible fees for Life Sharing will be discontinued as of June 30, 2017. Attachment 046-17 : Discontinuation of Life Sharing Ineligible Fees
To communicate next steps and reminders for implementing the Periodic RiskEvaluation (PRE) Attachment 1: BAW 17-18 Periodic Risk Evaluation (PRE): Next Steps & Reminders
To communicate next steps and reminders for implementing the Periodic RiskEvaluation (PRE) Attachment 1: BAS Communication Number BAW17-18: Periodic Risk Evaluation (PRE) Next Steps & Reminders