The purpose of this communication is to obsolete ODP Announcement 20-069 and to provide guidance regarding Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) cap exceptions and rate impacts to the Community Living Waiver (CLW) plans. Attachment 1: ODP Announcement 22-075: CAP Exceptions for P/FDS & Rate Impacts to the CLW Plans Attachment 2: Capexcetiontemplate 2021
The purpose of this announcement is to inform providers that ODP is requiring newly enrolling providers of Residential Habilitation services to complete the ODP-approved Dual Diagnosis Training curriculum. This applies to new Residential Habilitation providers who will be enrolled and qualified to provide these services effective September 1, 2018 and thereafter. This
The purpose of this communication is to announce an update to the original Residential Vacancies announcement, 22-036. This communication has been updated for June 2022 vacancies. Attachment 1: ODP Announcement 22-036: UPDATE: Announcing an online Tool for Reporting Residential Vacancies
The purpose of this announcement is to announce that the ODP Services Overview Quick Guide is now available to stakeholders. ODP Announcement 22-071: ODP Services Overview Quick Guide Now Available
The purpose of this announcement is to share information about an online learning opportunity about Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) offered through TechOWL. ODP Announcement 22-064: Online Learning Opportunity About Alternative and Augmentative Communication
The purpose of this announcement is to announce rate increases for Supported Employment (SE) services and OVR Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS). ODPANN 22-063 Rate Increases for Supported Employment and Pre-Employment Transition Services
The purpose of this announcement is to inform interested parties of the 988 lifeline. ODP Announcement 22-062: 988--A Direct Link for Suicide Prevention & Crisis Support
The purpose of this bulletin is to establish the process for requesting a waiver of a regulatory requirement. Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Bulleting 00-22-02: Requesting a Waiver of Office of Developmental Programs Regulations
Please assist the Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs in disseminating the attached communication: ODPANN 22-051 - Final Fee Schedule Rates for New Services Funded Through ODP’s Waivers. The purpose of this communication is to announce that the following Fee Schedule Rates have been published as final in the Pennsylvania Bulletin: • Family
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, Incident Management Family Guide. The purpose of this communication is to ensure Individuals and Families are provided access to Incident Management resources and training reminding providers of their role and responsibilities in sharing information and providing education on this