The purpose of this announcement is to provide clarification to Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs) and County Program/Administrative Entities (AEs) with regards to the SCOs’ role related to administrative reviews as part of the incident management process. ODP Announcement 22-126: Incident Management Clarification of Roles for the Supports Coordination Organizations and Administrative Entities
The purpose of this communication is to announce the release of updated protocols for the Health Risk Screening Tool. ODP Announcement 22-116: Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) Protocol Update
The purpose of this announcement is to inform AEs of a new process to detect unreported and under-reported incidents. This process links together ICD-10 diagnostic codes with corresponding incidents with the Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) System, and to announce a phased oversite approach to monitoring unreported and underreported Incidents. ODPANN 22-115 Nonreported
The purpose of this announcement is to provide guidance and a timeline for the implementation requirement of the 2022 Online Medication Administration Training Course and manual. Also, to announce the discontinuation of the 2004 paper course and paper examinations on January 1, 2024. ODPANN 22-113: Medication Administration Course Requirements
The announcement provides guidance for compliance with annual training requirements specified in ODP’s regulations for training years that end in 2023. ODP Announcement 22-111: Guidance for 24-Hour Annual Training Requirements in Training Year 2023
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is offering Health Equity training for supports coordinators (SCs) through MyODP. Health equity means that everyone has access to healthcare and the support they need to live a healthy life. This training provides information on the barriers to health equity and focuses on the Supports Coordinator’s
Individuals receiving services in the AAW that have a restrictive procedure plan in place must have a corresponding Behavioral Support Plan (BSP) and Crisis Intervention Plan (CIP). The BSP and CIP must be documented in the Individual Support Plan (ISP) in the Home and Community Services Information System (HCSIS) that is overseen
The purpose of this announcement is to provide additional clarification on combining partial units as it pertains to Personal Care and Home Health Care Services that are subject to EVV (ie. Respite - unlicensed, Homemaker, Companion, In Home and Community Supports and Community Supports, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech/Language Therapy, and
To provide guidance on how to correct billing for the Transportation Trip (Zone) services within the Adult Autism Waiver. ODP Announcement 22-095: Correction of Enhanced Rates for the Adult Autism Waiver Transportation Trip Service
This Department-wide bulletin, including the Office of Medical Assistance Programs (OMAP), and the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) pertains to the implementation of Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for Home Health Care Services (HHCS) effective August 10, 2022. Attachment ODP Bulletin 00-22-06 – Medical Assistance