ODP Providers & CHC Fact Sheet
For more information about CHC for ODP service providers, view the attached fact sheet. Attachment ODP Providers & CHC Fact Sheet
For more information about CHC for ODP service providers, view the attached fact sheet. Attachment ODP Providers & CHC Fact Sheet
This Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Communication is to inform all interested parties of revisions in the Residential Habilitation vacancy management process that pertains to Harry M. class members. Attachment ODP 19-003 : New Process for Residential Habilitation Vacancies
This ODP communication is intended to provide clarification regarding the provision of discrete Respite services for individuals who are authorized to receive Life Sharing services as well as clarification on the provision of Respite in Life Sharing homes. This communication applies to Life Sharing and/or Respite services rendered through the Consolidated, Person/Family
To provide guidance to interested parties on team discussions and documentation of staffing ratios and guidance on Supplemental Habilitation in Residential Habilitation services. Attachment 026-18 : Clarifications on Residential Service Staffing Ratios and Supplemental Habilitation in Residential Habilitation Services
The purpose of this announcement is to remind the audience of the training requirements established by the Harry M Settlement agreement, and to provide updated information about how to access the required trainings. This Announcement will obsolete Announcements 021-14, 033-14 and 048-14 that previously linked to the Deaf Services Trainings. Attachment 119-17
The purpose of this communication is to inform providers that the sixth module of the required Community Participation Supports training is now available on MyODP.org and to provide additional information on the curriculum. Attachments 112-17 : Now Available: New Community Participation Supports Training Module 6: Introduction to Community Mapping
The purpose of this communication is to inform providers that the fifth module of the required Community Participation Supports training is now available on MyODP.org and to provide additional information on the curriculum. Attachment 106-17 : Now Available: New Community Participation Supports Training Module 5, Person Centered Planning
The purpose of this communication is to inform providers that Module 4 of the required Community Participation Supports training is now available on MyODP.org and to provide additional information on the curriculum. Attachments 090-17: Community Participation Support Training Module 4: Inclusion /Integration Now Available on MyODP
This ODP communication is intended to provide clarification on changes to residential services as specified in the approved Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) waivers effective July 1, 2017. Attachments 083-17 : NOW AVAILABLE: Transition of Behavioral Support in Residential Services Question and Answer Document
The purpose of this communication is to inform providers that the second and third modules of the required Community Participation Supports training is now available on MyODP.org and to provide additional information on the curriculum. Attachment 082-17 : Now Available: New Community Participation Supports Training Modules - 2. What are Community Participation