To inform all stakeholders that the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has updated the Fair Hearing Request Form (DP 458) and replaced older versions on MyODP and the Department of Human Services (DHS) website. Attachment ODP 109-18: Fair Hearing Request Form & Instructions
This Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) communication is to inform all interested parties providing services in the Consolidated, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS), and Community Living Waivers of the process ODP staff will utilize in making a determination for Approved Program Capacity (APC) and Noncontiguous Clearance through the updated form (Attachment #1). attachment
To announce that registration is open for Business Partners to begin the process for moving to e-CIS access. Attachment ODP 19-115 Updated: e-CIS Business Partner Access – Registration Open
The purpose of this communication is to announce the release of Version 3 of the Community Participation Support Question and Answer Document. Please review the announcement and the question and answer document for additional guidance. Attachment
To address identification of staffing ratios for facility time in the provision of the Community Participation Support service. Attachment ODP 19-098: Clarification on Identification of Staffing Ratios for Facility Time in the Community Participation Support Service
To announce that an updated version of the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Contact Information for ID/Autism Coordinators is now available. Attachment ODP 19-048: Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Contact Information for ID/Autism Coordinators--Updated 4/10/19
These documents are intended to provide updated guidance related to the following Intellectual Disability/Autism (ID/A) Waiver employment services: • Advanced Supported Employment • Supported Employment • Small Group Employment • Community Participation Support – The Prevocational Component • Benefits Counseling [Included in the Quick Guide] Attachment ODP 19-025: Now Available-- Updated ID/Waiver
ODP is pleased to announce that the Certified Investigator Training Program vendor, Temple University of Harrisburg (TUH), has established a Quality Investigations Unit. This unit will be conducting Certified Investigator Peer Reviews (CIPRs) of investigations completed by Department-certified Investigators. Attachment ODP 19-29: Quality Investigation Unit at Temple University
ODP is pleased to release the following report: “Improving the Quality of Residential Services.” For an overview and explanation, ODP encourages you to read and share the attached announcement with stakeholders, as it provides a brief overview of the report’s contents. The referenced report marks evidence of ODP’s continued commitment toward improved