MyODP Podcast: Quality of Life–Do Something About It

We throw the words "quality of life" around a lot in our field. We will talk about putting those words, or this concept, into action through small everyday changes and through understanding happiness behaviors. MyODP Podcast: Quality of Life--Do Something About It

Best Practices in Behavioral Support Survey

We intend to host additional sessions with providers and AEs to talk about the standards, but in the meantime, we are interested in hearing from those of you who have reviewed the standards or attended a VOH in the past year. Please take a moment to complete this brief survey. Best Practices

Supporters Toolbox Podcast: Go With The Flow

Finding something that puts us in a state of flow or a state where one is fully immersed and enjoying an activity helps us minimize unpleasant things in our lives, makes us more productive, and generally makes us happier. We will talk about how we can support someone to intentionally find more

Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Releases 2020-2021 Annual Data Report

The ODP Annual data report provides statistical information to educate our stakeholders about the individuals ODP serves and the services they receive. This data provides an important overview of the service system ODP oversees that supports individuals with disabilities Attachment: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Releases 2020-2021 Annual Data Report
