Monkey Pox–What You Need To Know

Learn the facts about the symptoms, prevention, and what to do if you or someone where you work gets sick. This webinar will include presentations by leaders and clinicians from DHS and DOH, as well provide an opportunity for Q&A. Attachments Monkey Pox--What You Need To Know

Monkey Pox–What You Need To Know

Learn the facts about the symptoms, prevention, and what to do if you or someone where you work gets sick. This webinar will include presentations by leaders and clinicians from DHS and DOH, as well provide an opportunity for Q&A. Monkey Pox--What You Need To Know

September Self Advocate Spotlight Series

The Pennsylvania Disabilities Council (PADDC) will be hosting The Self Advocate Spotlight Series, which highlights how self - advocates are demonstrating their own leadership skills, while also using their voices to mentor others. Attachment September Self Advocate Spotlight Series

September Self Advocate Spotlight Series

The Pennsylvania Disabilities Council (PADDC) will be hosting The Self Advocate Spotlight Series, which highlights how self - advocates are demonstrating their own leadership skills, while also using their voices to mentor others. September Self Advocate Spotlight Series

PAFN Event: Sibling Good Life

This group of adult siblings will have the opportunity guide the group's direction, network with other siblings, talk about your lived experience, hear from experts on topics relevant to sibling life, have open and informative discussions, and plan for a future that holds true potential for you and your family. Attachment PAFN
