The purpose of this memorandum is to provide clarification about interpreter use and ODP’s expectations for compliance with applicable laws when rendering services to individuals who are deaf. Attachments Memo 018-15 : Communication Assistance Compliance Standards for Individuals who are Deaf
This serves to clarify requirements regarding use of the standardized corrective action plan template issued by ODP and explain when the entity being monitored must develop and implement an improvement plan in order to prevent the recurrence of findings of noncompliance. Attachment 093-13 : Corrective Action Plan Process
The purpose of this communication is to inform interested parties of a new Secondary Transition website. Attachment Memo 059-13 : PA Secondary Transition Website
To encourage eligible GLAs of the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) to utilize SNAP and to follow the process as outlined in this communication. Attachment Packet 015-12 : Re-Issued Use of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for Individuals Residing in Group Living Arrangements (GLAs)