084-17 : REISSUE SIS™ Urgent Request Process Quick Tips Sheet

To announce that ODP is reissuing Communication 084-17 because ODP has updated and rereleased a “SIS™ Urgent Request Process Quick Tips Sheet” and posted it on MyODP Training and Resource Center as a reminder of the policy and procedure of SIS™ urgent requests. Attachment 084-17 : REISSUE SIS™ Urgent Request Process Quick

082-17 : Now Available: New Community Participation Supports Training Modules – 2. What are Community Participation Supports, 3. Where Community Participation Supports are Provided

The purpose of this communication is to inform providers that the second and third modules of the required Community Participation Supports training is now available on MyODP.org and to provide additional information on the curriculum. Attachment 082-17 : Now Available: New Community Participation Supports Training Modules - 2. What are Community Participation

075-17 : Now Available: The “Why” – Everyday Lives Module 1 of the Required Community Participation Supports Training

The purpose of this communication is to inform providers that the first module of the required Community Participation Supports training is now available on MyODP.org and to provide additional information on the curriculum. Attachment 075-17 : Now Available: The “Why” – Everyday Lives Module 1 of the Required Community Participation Supports Training
