To inform providers of the need to include the National Provider Index Number (NPI) of the ordering or prescribing provider on Home Health, Nursing, and Therapy claims and provide guidance on how to do so. Attachments 022-17 : Ordering or Prescribing Provider: National Provider Index Number Required on Claims
The purpose of this communication is to issue updates to a previously released ODP Communication, Informational Packet 060-11, Administrative Fee Services Related to the Delivery of Vendor Services Attachment 100-16 : Updated Administrative Fee Services Related to the Delivery of Vendor Services
To announce a policy clarification surrounding the role of Direct Care Workers (DCWs) Attachment 094-16 : Policy clarification surrounding the role of Direct Care Workers
State-operated intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICFs/ID), Home and community-based waiver providers, Administrative Entities (AEs), Supports Coordination Organizations (SCO), advocates, individuals, and other interested parties. Attachment 081-14 : Benjamin Settlement Approved Protecting Freedom of Choice for Individuals in ICFs/ID
To provide expected timelines and general guidance for submitting and entering the Vocational Profile into HCSIS Attachment BAW16-48: Submitting and Entering the Vocational Profile into HCSIS--Moving Forward with Employment Goals
To share two resources available through the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Attachment Memo 034-15 : Helpful Resources from the PA Department of Transportation
The purpose of this memorandum is to provide clarification about interpreter use and ODP’s expectations for compliance with applicable laws when rendering services to individuals who are deaf. Attachments Memo 018-15 : Communication Assistance Compliance Standards for Individuals who are Deaf
This serves to clarify requirements regarding use of the standardized corrective action plan template issued by ODP and explain when the entity being monitored must develop and implement an improvement plan in order to prevent the recurrence of findings of noncompliance. Attachment 093-13 : Corrective Action Plan Process
The purpose of this Informational Memo is to discuss and consider options to prevent or deter admissions to State Operated Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Intellectual Disability (ICFs/ID) effective July 1, 2012. Attachment Memo 045-12 : Admissions to State Operated Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Intellectual Disability