ODP Announcement 23-101 Updated: Provider Qualification Process

The purpose of this update is to notify stakeholders that the links for DP1059 and the Provider Qualification Record have changed. Please use the links in this update. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS) require a statewide process to ensure providers are qualified to render services to waiver-funded individuals. The Provider

ODP Announcement 23-048 Required Communication Specialist Provider Qualification Training UPDATE

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-048: Required Communication Specialist Provider Qualification Training UPDATED. The purpose of this announcement is to remind Communication Specialist providers that in order to provide services after January 1, 2024, the Communication Specialist training must be completed. ODP Announcement

ODP Announcement 23-071 Targeted Service Recovery and Expansion Supplemental Payments Update

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing this UPDATED communication; ODPANN 23-071: Targeted Service Recovery and Expansion Supplemental Payments update. This announcement provides eligible providers with additional information about payments processed by ODP. ODP Announcement 23-071 Targeted Service Recovery and Expansion Supplemental Payments Update

ODP Announcement 23-092: Community Participation Support (CPS) and Day Habilitation Teleservices Codes

Please assist the Office of Developmental Programs in sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-092: Community Participation Support (CPS) and Day Habilitation Teleservices Codes. The purpose of this announcement is to provide guidance for implementing CPS and Day Habilitation teleservices codes. Please review the announcement for additional information and detail. ODP Announcement 23-092: Community

ODPANN 23-091 Expectations for Supports Coordinators (SCs) Regarding the Right to be Free from Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation

Please assist the Office of Developmental Programs in sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-091: Expectations for Supports Coordinators (SCs) Regarding the Right to be Free from Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation and its accompanying attachments. The purpose of this announcement is to include all applicable resources related to this topic in one communication.

ODP Announcement 00-23-01: ODP Bulletin 00-23-01 Home and Community-Based Waiver Services Provided to Individuals in an Acute Care Hospital

The Office of Developmental Programs requests your assistance sharing the attached bulletin: 00-23-01: Home and Community Based Waiver Services Provided to Individuals in an Acute Care Hospital along with its accompanying attachment. The purpose of this bulletin is to provide guidance on the delivery of home and community-based waiver services to individuals

20-004: Clarifications and Training Requirements for AAW Employment Services

To provide updated clarifications regarding the Career Planning (Vocational Assessment and Job Finding), Supported Employment (Intensive Job Coaching and Extended Employment Supports) services, Small Group Employment (formerly known as Transitional Work Services), and updated provider training requirements.The Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations (BSASP) is providing additional guidance about the

Resource Guide for Supporting Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing

The purpose of this guide is to offer resources in one central location for those who support or care for someone who is Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or DeafBlind and receives supports from ODP. The Guide provides some of the most frequently accessed resources to assist in addressing the unique needs of
