This communication provides an overview about the process to implement reserved capacity for participant direction transfers in the Consolidated, Community Living and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) waivers (hereafter referred to as the Intellectual Disability/Autism waivers [ID/A waivers]). Each waiver reserves 5 spaces each year (a total of 15 per year) for participants
This Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Communication is to inform all interested parties of revisions in the Residential Habilitation vacancy management process that pertains to Harry M. class members. Attachment ODP 19-003 : New Process for Residential Habilitation Vacancies
To communicate the availability of the Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Manual and accompanying appendices. Attachment BAW18-01 Admin Notice: Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Manual Now Available
To communicate next steps and reminders for implementing Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Attachment BAW17-25 Admin Notice : Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS): Next Steps and Reminders
To inform SCs and SC Supervisors of a new employment resource available to assist in discussing employment with AAW and ACAP participants and their families Attachment BAW17-17 Info Memo : Pathways to Employment: A New Employment Resource for BAS Program Supports Coordinators
To inform providers of the need to include the National Provider Index Number (NPI) of the ordering or prescribing provider on Home Health, Nursing, and Therapy claims and provide guidance on how to do so. Attachments 022-17 : Ordering or Prescribing Provider: National Provider Index Number Required on Claims
To provide expected timelines and general guidance for submitting and entering the Vocational Profile into HCSIS Attachment BAW16-48: Submitting and Entering the Vocational Profile into HCSIS--Moving Forward with Employment Goals
To clarify the training requirements, timelines and certificate submission process for the SSB component of the SSD service. Attachment BAW16-25 Info Memo : SSB Certificates
To announce the availability of the virtual version of the required training for the new “Specialized Skill Development/Systematic Skill Building” Service being added to the Adult Autism Waiver. Attachment BAW16-16 Announcement : SSB Training