ODPANN 24-100: Registration Now Open for December Certified Investigator (CI) Forum & How to Access CI Forum Question & Answer (Q&A) Documents

To communicate to the above entities that Temple University Harrisburg’s CI Program andODP will be facilitating Forums for CIs and others involved in the incident investigationprocess, and to announce the posting of Q & A Documents from past CI Forums onMyODP. Attachment 1: ODPANN 24-100: Registration Now Open for December Certified Investigator

ODPANN 24-096 PBC and January Waiver Amendment Approval

The Office of Developmental Programs requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-096 PBC and January Waiver Amendment Approval. The purpose of this announcement is to inform all interested parties that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved the 1915(b)(4) Performance-Based Contracting waiver and the Consolidated, Community Living, and

ODPANN 24-085 Update: Agency with Choice (AWC) Wage Ranges and Benefit Allowance for Specific Participant Directed Services Effective October 1, 2024

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached updated communication; ODPANN 24-085: Agency with Choice (AWC) Wage Ranges and Benefit Allowance for Specific Participant Directed Services Effective October 1, 2024. Please note: The update is in red. Please use this version of the announcement going forward. Attachment 1:

ODPANN 24-091: Updates to the Individual Support Plan (ISP) Bulletin

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication; ODPANN 22-094: Updates to the Individual Support Plan (ISP) Bulletin. This communication announces the release of the ISP Manual that includes changes needed to implement rates that become effective in Fiscal Year 2024-2025.Please review the announcement for additional information
