The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-123 Performance Based Contracting – Administrative Entities (AE’s) Notice to Individuals and its attachments: What is PBC and FAQ and Template Letter for PBC Notification from AEs. The purpose of this announcement is to notify individuals and their families
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-121: Multi-year Program Growth Strategy: ODP Waiver Capacity Management and its attachments: ODP Multi-year Program Growth Strategy PowerPoint and PDF of Readiness Question Pro Survey. The purpose of this announcement is to provide details regarding the Office of Developmental
The Office of Developmental Programs requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-119: Newly Released: The Certified Investigator (CI) Program Spotlight Quarterly Newsletter. The purpose of this announcement is to advise stakeholders that the Temple University Harrisburg Certified Investigator Program and the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) have released a new
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-118: Office of Developmental Programs' (ODP) Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind Services Guide. The purpose of this announcement is to announce the release of the Guide to the ODP Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind Services. Please review the
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-117: Now Available: Certified Investigator Peer Review (CIPR) Live Case Study Sessions. The purpose of this communication is to communicate that new live case study sessions for the Certified Investigator Peer Review (CIPR) Course are now available. Please
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-116: Now Available: Administrative Review (AR) Live Case Study Sessions. The purpose of this announcement is to communicate that new live case study sessions for the Administrative Review (AR) course are now available. Please review the announcement for
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-115 : Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Quality Management (QM) Certification Classes: Registration for 2025 Virtual Classes. This announcement provides information on the registration process for ODP’s January-April 2025 Virtual QM Certification Classes. Attachment 1: ODPANN 24-115: Office of Developmental Programs
The Office of Developmental Programs requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-110 ODP Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind Required Training. The purpose of this announcement is to announce the new Deaf Services required training. This training is replacing the previously required, Harry M Settlement training. Please review the announcement for
This Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) communication announces the release ofthe QA&I Annual Statewide Report for Cycle 2, Year 2 (C2Y2) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024. Attachment 1: ODPANN 24-108: Quality Assessment & Improvement (QA&I) Annual Statewide Report for Cycle 2, Year 2 (Fiscal Year 2023-2024)
The Office of Developmental Programs requests yours assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-104: Multi-Year Growth Strategy: A Plan to End the Adult Emergency Waiting List. The purpose of this announcement is to provide details about the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) plans to address the adult waiting list through a multi-year