The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) released notification on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 of the new Provider Agreement effective January 1, 2020. The attached letter from ODP Deputy Secretary Kristin Ahrens was not included in the original distribution. This letter provides further clarification on the applicability of the new Provider Agreement and
To explain changes to the process of administering the SIBr in the AAW. Attachment 1: ODPANN 19-166: Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Population (BSASP) Required Program Assessment: Changes to Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised(SIB-r) Administration
Independent Monitoring for Quality (IM4Q) Interviews to include Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) To provide SCs and SC Supervisors information regarding IM4Q interviews and to notify SCs and SC Supervisors that individuals in the AAW will be included in the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) IM4Q samples moving forward. Attachment 1: ODPANN 19-163:
The purpose of this communication is to announce the release of Version 3 of the Community Participation Support Question and Answer Document. Please review the announcement and the question and answer document for additional guidance. Attachment
To address identification of staffing ratios for facility time in the provision of the Community Participation Support service. Attachment ODP 19-098: Clarification on Identification of Staffing Ratios for Facility Time in the Community Participation Support Service
To provide continued guidance, including a timeline for transitional activities, regarding the July 1, 2019 requirement in the Community Participation Support and Day Habilitation service definitions that each individual be offered opportunities to spend time in community locations consistent with her or her preferences, choices and interests. Attachment ODP 19-090: Continued Guidance:
To announce the availability of an updated version of the required SPeCTRUM training for AAW and ACAP providers and SCOs, and to outline the requirements and timeframes for providers and SCOs to meet the new training requirements Attachment ODP 19-072: New SPeCTRUM 2.0 Training
To announce that an updated version of the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Contact Information for ID/Autism Coordinators is now available. Attachment ODP 19-048: Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Contact Information for ID/Autism Coordinators--Updated 4/10/19
These documents are intended to provide updated guidance related to the following Intellectual Disability/Autism (ID/A) Waiver employment services: • Advanced Supported Employment • Supported Employment • Small Group Employment • Community Participation Support – The Prevocational Component • Benefits Counseling [Included in the Quick Guide] Attachment ODP 19-025: Now Available-- Updated ID/Waiver
The purpose of this communication is to inform providers, SCOs and other reporting entities who have a responsibility to file incidents in EIM of the functionality of EIM Alerts they will receive when the First Section of an incident is initiated but not submitted within 72 hours. This alert will assist providers,