This Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) communication is to inform all interested parties providing services in the Consolidated, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS), and Community Living Waivers of the process ODP staff will utilize in making a determination for Approved Program Capacity (APC) and Noncontiguous Clearance through the updated form (Attachment #1). attachment
This communication provides an overview about the process to implement reserved capacity for participant direction transfers in the Consolidated, Community Living and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) waivers (hereafter referred to as the Intellectual Disability/Autism waivers [ID/A waivers]). Each waiver reserves 5 spaces each year (a total of 15 per year) for participants
To provide expected timelines and general guidance for submitting and entering the Vocational Profile into HCSIS Attachment BAW16-48: Submitting and Entering the Vocational Profile into HCSIS--Moving Forward with Employment Goals
To communicate the availability of new and revised resources which provide clarified guidance about developing a Skill Building Plan (SBP). Attachment BAW16-35 Admin Notice : SSB SBP Guidance
To clarify the training requirements, timelines and certificate submission process for the SSB component of the SSD service. Attachment BAW16-25 Info Memo : SSB Certificates
To announce the availability of the virtual version of the required training for the new “Specialized Skill Development/Systematic Skill Building” Service being added to the Adult Autism Waiver. Attachment BAW16-16 Announcement : SSB Training