Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Provider Agreement Effective 1/1/2020

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) released notification on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 of the new Provider Agreement effective January 1, 2020. The attached letter from ODP Deputy Secretary Kristin Ahrens was not included in the original distribution. This letter provides further clarification on the applicability of the new Provider Agreement and

ODP Provider Agreement and Instructions FINAL 1-13-20

Attached please find the new Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Provider Agreement. Effective January 1, 2020, the Provider Agreement must be filled out and submitted by the legal entity of each waiver provider. Only one agreement should be submitted per provider, regardless of the number of service locations or services provided by

ODPANN 19-012 UPDATE: New Documentation Requirements for Individual Support Plans (ISPs) Within the Consolidated Waiver

To announce new documentation requirements within the Individual Support Plan (ISP).These requirements are part of the implementation of a settlement agreement, whichpertains to services received by individuals through the Consolidated Waiver. UPDATE:To clarify guidance on Page 5 regarding “Frequency and Duration of the actionsneeded.” The total number of units will NOT be
