Tech Owl Technology For Our Lives Institure on Disabilities at Temple University

Getting to Know TechOWL

Did you know that every state has a program to help people with disabilities to explore, find, and get the tools and technology they need? In Pennsylvania that program is TechOWL, part of the Institute on Disabilities at Temple University. TechOWL has 9 regional centers across the state and helps people discover,

A stack of colorful spiral bound books on a table

Claim and Service Documentation webcast now available

The Claim and Service Documentation webinar held on August 4th is now available to view on MyODP. This webcast is for all Providers of Consolidated, Community Living, Person/Family Directed Support, and Adult Autism Waiver Services, base-funded services, and Targeted Services Management (TSM). The webcast provides an overview of the intent and purpose of the Technical Guidance for Claim

ODPANN 22-091 New Medication Administration Platform Now Available for Trainer Candidates and Primary Contacts

Please assist the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) in distributing the attached communication: New Medication Administration Platform Now Available for Trainer Candidates and Primary Contacts. The purpose of this communication is to inform all interested parties that the new Medication Administration platform is now available for Trainers and Primary Contacts. This announcement

Medication Dispensers

Medication dispensers come in a variety of options from simple to high tech. Regardless of the style the purpose is the same: help people safely and correctly take their medications. According to the CDC, adverse drug events such as missed or improperly taken medications cause approximately 1.3 million emergency department visits and

ODP Announcement 22-075: CAP Exceptions for P/FDS & Rate Impacts to the CLW Plans

The purpose of this communication is to obsolete ODP Announcement 20-069 and to provide guidance regarding Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) cap exceptions and rate impacts to the Community Living Waiver (CLW) plans. Attachment 1: ODP Announcement 22-075: CAP Exceptions for P/FDS & Rate Impacts to the CLW Plans Attachment 2: Capexcetiontemplate 2021

ODP Announcement 076-18 Re-Issue:  Required Dual Diagnosis Training for Provides Newly Enrolling to Provide Residential Habilitation Services

The purpose of this announcement is to inform providers that ODP is requiring newly enrolling providers of Residential Habilitation services to complete the ODP-approved Dual Diagnosis Training curriculum. This applies to new Residential Habilitation providers who will be enrolled and qualified to provide these services effective September 1, 2018 and thereafter. This
