A woman holds a tablet in front of a classroom

Pennsylvania Workforce Plan Listening Session

The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Board is hosting Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) listening sessions as part of its overall WIOA Combined State Plan Development. The PA Workforce Development Board invites you to provide input on Pennsylvania’s 2024-2028 workforce development strategies for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) state plan. This

A woman assisting a young boy in a wheelchair points in the distance

Reasonable Accommodations & Modifications Webinar

The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission invites you to join them on Wednesday, October 25 for a virtual event at 12 p.m. During this month’s Fair Housing Empower Hour, learn how to handle requests for changes to homes and policies so that individuals with disabilities can use & enjoy their housing. Register today.

ODP Announcement 23-081: Registration Now Open: The Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) Policy Division’s Virtual Meeting & Conversation with Individuals and Families – Session 2

Please see the attached registration announcement geared towards individuals and families for an opportunity to have a conversation with ODP's policy division. Please encourage any individual or family you may work with to register for this event. Registration information and additional details can be found in the attachment. ODP Announcement 23-081: Registration Now

Quarterly Connections for Support Coordinators

Each quarterly newsletter will share ideas to help SCs fill their buckets to better help them in supporting individuals and families. The Quarterly Connection is brought to you by the Supporting Families’ Supports Coordination Innovation Workgroup. Quarterly Connections for Support Coordinators

ODP Health Alert – Respiratory Viruses Vaccine Update

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached ODP Health Alert – Respiratory Viruses Vaccine Update. ODP is sharing this Health Alert with stakeholders for awareness. ODP Health Alert - Respiratory Viruses Vaccine Update

Quarterly Connection for Supports Coordinators

Each quarterly newsletter will share ideas to help SCs fill their buckets to better help them in supporting individuals and families. The Quarterly Connection is brought to you by the Supporting Families’ Supports Coordination Innovation Workgroup. Quarterly Connection for Supports Coordinators

ODP Announcement 23-080: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Residential Provider Survey for Selective Contracting

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 23-080: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Residential Provider Survey for Selective Contracting. The purpose of this announcement is to notify ODP providers rendering residential services (including residential habilitation, LifeSharing, and/or supported living) that they are required to complete
