ODPANN 24-071: Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) Waiver Submissions and Supporting Documents
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-071: Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) Waiver Submissions and Supporting Documents. The purpose of this announcement is to inform stakeholders that the PBC 1915(b)4 Waiver and 1915(c) Waiver amendments have been submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
ODPANN 24-071: Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) Waiver Submissions and Supporting Documents
Attachment 1: Performance-Based Contracting Residential Implementation Guide July 26 2024
Attachment #2 – PBC Residential Services Provider Self-Assessment Toolkit
Attachment 2A: Provider Performance-Based Contracting Preparedness Self-Assessment Final 7-26-26
Attachment 2B: Provider Preparedness Workbook July 2024 Updates (072424)
Attachment 3: Residential Performance Based Contracting Attestation