An senior couple on swings in autumn

Aging Our Way, PA – Public Comment Requested

In January of 2023, Governor Josh Shapiro assumed office and introduced the initiative of developing a Master Plan for Older Adults to respond to emergent trends in aging as part of his first budget address. Executive Order 2023-09 (EO 2023-09), signed on May 25, 2023, by Governor Shapiro, formalized the project by directing the Secretary of Aging to lead the plan development, appointing the Pennsylvania Long-Term Care Council (LTCC) as a steering committee, and commissioning other state agencies to
support this project.

Aging Our Way, PA is a 10-year roadmap to meet the needs of the Commonwealth’s older adults and improve services for this rapidly growing population. The plan includes priorities, strategies, and tactics to promote health, well-being and quality of life for all Pennsylvanians as we age. Aging Our Way, PA also prepares the Commonwealth for a larger, longer-living older adult population and is designed to respond to changing needs, shifting priorities and available resources. The Department of Aging led the charge to develop the plan following an Executive Order signed by Governor Josh Shapiro in May 2023.

A 30-day public comment period has been established beginning Tuesday, February 20, 2024.  Download the publication draft (PDF) to explore Aging Our Way, PAWe invite you to provide comments using the digital comments form​, by mail: Aging Our Way, PA, 555 Walnut St. 5th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17101 or by emailing