ODP Announcement 22-108: Required Provider Qualification (PQ) Training on Common Health Conditions That May Be Associated with Preventable Deaths

The purpose of this announcement is to provide guidance and information relating to a new qualification requirement that has been added to the Residential Habilitation, Life Sharing, and Supported Living services (“residential services”). The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) anticipates that the new qualification requirement will become effective between mid-October and late December of 2022 based on feedback from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). This guidance is being released prior to CMS approval of the Consolidated and Community Living waiver renewals and the Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) amendment to give providers sufficient time to implement this new requirement.

Attachment ODP Announcement 22-108: Required Provider Qualification (PQ) Training on Common Health Conditions That May Be Associated with Preventable Deaths
