Register Now for the Supporting Families Best Practices Series
The National Collaborative for Supporting Families invites you to register for the Supporting Families Best Practices Training Series. The next available session, held via Zoom, is on November 21 from 2 PM to 3:30 PM EST* and will discuss respite for families.
The Best Practice Series introduces and elevates innovative services, supports and policies directly related to supporting families. Each session features a panel of national, state, and local organizations providing services and supports for families across the lifespan.
In this session, ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center will provide information about national respite resources, innovations, and sustainability for programs serving families with members with developmental disability. You will also hear from a panel of local respite providers that have launched innovative respite programs in their state.
Register for The Supporting Families Best Practices session on Respite for Families.
*This article was updated on November 4, 2024 to correct the event time. Previously the article read “1 PM to 2:30 PM”. This is central time. The event is from 2 PM to 3:30 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST).