ODPANN 24-044: Office of Developmental Programs, SIS-A® 2nd Edition Request for Reassessments

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-044: Office of Developmental Programs, SIS-A® 2nd Edi􀆟on Request for Reassessments and the accompanying attachment. The purpose of this announcement is to outline criteria and provide instructions for requesting a SIS-A 2nd Edition reassessment for individuals who receive residential services and whose 2023 SIS-A assessment resulted in a Needs Group (NG) decrease of two or more levels.
Please review the announcement and attachment for additional information and detail.

Attachment 1: ODPANN 24-044: Office of Developmental Programs, SIS-A® 2nd Edition Request for Reassessments

Attachment 2: Attachment to ODP 24-044–Instructions for Submitting a SIS-A® 2nd Edition Request for Reassessment
