PADDC Self Advocate Survey

The Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council (PADDC) is working on a project to enhance Pennsylvania’s self advocate leadership to focus on system and policy change. PADDC invites people with developmental and intellectual disabilities (I/DD) and providers or organizations to connect The Council to self advocates who may want to be part of the conversation.

The first step in the plan is to gather contact information – listening and learning from self advocates. Please complete the survey through the links below.

The long-term plan includes talking with self advocates with intellectual and developmental disabilities about:

1.  Connecting self advocates to network and organize as a powerful, united community.

2.  Creating the foundation for an effective statewide network of skilled advocates who can influence system change.

3.  Involving people interested in advocacy and system change to plan together for the future.

Please click the one of the links below by March 20th to share your thoughts!

If you are an individual with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and are interested in becoming an advocate, please click:

If you are an organization or provider that engages with people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, please click:
