A woman sits in a library at a table with a computer and multiple books

Libraries are for Everyone

During this year’s National Library Week, the Dauphin County Library systems celebrated by adding new assistive technology into some of their libraries. They unveiled new high-tech reading equipment for the blind and visually impaired. This allows more individuals to have access to the printed word and other library materials.

Three local Lions Clubs and Vision Resources of Central Pennsylvania understand that there’s a digital divide for people with disabilities and wanted to change that. They partnered with the Dauphin County Library System to break down those barriers and as a reminder that libraries are for everyone! Books offer insight to new ideas and open doors to endless worlds, which is something everyone should be able to experience regardless of one’s ability to see and read. The hope is that this added technology will bring awareness to other types of assistive technology for the visually impaired that are available and easily accessible for other libraries and within one’s home.

Enough money was raised between the three Lions Clubs to cover the entire cost of the equipment and more library staff have been trained to use the equipment. Hopefully, more people will hear about this library’s new addition and that it will be put to good use! Click here to learn more.
