ODP Announcement  23-041:  Max Number of Hours per Week of InHome and CS Companion Services that Relatives and Legal Guardians May Provide

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing announcement ODPANN 23-041 Max Number of Hours per Week of InHome and CS Companion Services that Relatives and Legal Guardians May Provide. The purpose of this announcement is to: • Notify stakeholders of the restoration of the maximum number of hours per week of In-Home and Community Support and/or Companion services that multiple relatives and legal guardians may provide, effective November 11, 2023. • Clarify the maximum number of hours per week of In-Home and Community Support and/or Companion services that relatives and legal guardians may provide.

Attachment 1: ODP Announcement  23-041:  Max Number of Hours per Week of InHome and CS Companion Services that Relatives and Legal Guardians May Provide
