An overview of the PA Capitol building in Harrisburg

April is Autism Acceptance Month

April is Autism Acceptance Month. Please help the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) share the proclamation signed by Governor Josh Shapiro that celebrates the contributions of Pennsylvanians with autism.

Governor Shapiro highlights the Commonwealth’s commitment to supporting individuals with autism in the proclamation, stating:

WHERAS, there are more than 55,000 children and adults with autism who are receiving services in the Commonwealth; and

WHEREAS, positive outcomes increase for individuals with autism when training is provided to professionals across all systems, including those in justice, healthcare, and emergency response settings; and

WHEREAS, people with autism, families, professionals, and community members are supported through connections with others and the sharing of resources, including through access to ASERT initiatives such as the Statewide Resource Center, and#ASDNext; and

WHEREAS, the aim for Autism Acceptance Month is to recognize the diverse nature and abilities of people with autism and to encourage strong support through family, friends, professionals, and community that will allow a broader understanding and appreciation of those individuals.

Josh Shapiro, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, April 2023, AUTISM ACCEPTANCE MONTH PROCLAMATION

Click here to read the full proclamation.
