A table with a calculator, a twenty dollar bill and a notepad

Would Technology Make Your Job Easier? Submit an ARPA Application Now!

Is your organization interested in going more digital, such as using software for electronic health records and skill and behavioral data collection? Or maybe purchasing equipment to use that software on?  

There is still time to submit an application for the one-time supplemental payment through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA.) Both providers and supports coordination organizations (SCOs) are eligible for this opportunity for one-time a payment of up to $20,000 if your application is submitted for review by October 31st 2022.

These funds are available to fund technology related activities that strengthen and enhance Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) including:

  • purchase of assistive and/or remote support technology
  • purchase and implementation of new software or technology for electronic health records
  • technology associated with improving quality or risk management functions
  • technology professional credentialing identified in ODP provider qualifications
  • purchase of consultation services to enhance technological capabilities

This is a great opportunity to enhance HCBS by:

  • replacing staff functions with the use of technology, allowing staff time to be directed to other care activities.
  • providing individuals greater independence and choice using technology
  • improving quality of care through implementation of solutions like electronic health records and integrated data solutions.

For more information on the details and limitations of this opportunity please see the official ODP announcement and applications for SCOs and Providers.
