A woman holds a tablet in front of a classroom

ASD@PSU Seminar Series

We wanted to share information on the next installment of the Virtual ASD@PSU Monthly Seminar Series.  The ASD@PSU seminar series brings university stakeholders together to discuss innovative work, explore new potential collaborations, and provide input into strategic initiatives in support of the autism community.  The next event in this series is on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, from Noon-1:00 pm to welcome Emily Laubscher, PhD, CCC-SLP, who will present “You Just Want to be Able to Communicate with your Child”: Caregivers’ Perspectives on Communication and AAC for Beginning Communicators on the Autism Spectrum.

To register in advance for this webinar you can follow this link:  https://psu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_x5I7StXIQHKJZCKneSWfig

Please see the attached flyer for more information.
